What happened to H.A.M.M.E.R


Jun 25, 2007
Wii Online Code
IM wondering, what happened to that game project hammer. i havent seen any thing more of it no box art at shops not even a mention at e3 07 is it not being made no more?
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hmmmm, hopefully it'll be back in action soon....anyone one else help?
I am pretty sure that they "canned" the whole project as a result of some unknown reason. I am not too sure if anything new has surfaced from that point onwards, so yeah, you probably will not see the likes of that game on any shore.
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aw man, i was looking forward to it. it couldve been a staple of nintendo diet
i was certain to get this game looks like more mario franchise games will come out. sigh. where are the hardcore games, oh yea metroid, but i wanted to swing a hammer
i dont see why they would cancel production of a game that had so much potential and that would appeal to the hardcore audience as well
It was cancelled in the US and put on indefinite hold in Japan. They never gave an official reason, but the developer that was making it is working on more "Mainstream" titles now. Looks like nintendo isn't just focusing on casual games, they're actively destroying anything that might be considered hardcore. :/

Nintendo never really gives anything the permanent axe though, so we may see a family-friendly reimagining of it in a few years time.
ninty never sai dthey cancelled it to my knowledge, could you provide a link

anyways the development is on hold, that's all we know, so it's possible that they'll can it or resume it, i'm hoping for the latter
It was first reported that it was cancelled.

A few months later they took that statement back and reported that they had 'put it on hold' to work on another project.

It WILL show up on the wii.
^Nope, I'm pretty sure its official.

Didn't someone already start a RE5 Petition?
Don't ask me for a link becasue I can't find it but...

I read about a month ago, someone interviewed a spokes person for NST (Project H.A.M.M.E.R. developer) because they were moving and firing some employees. Within the interview they asked about Project H.A.M.M.E.R. and the person said, "It has been put on hold while we work on some other titles." Like LevesqueIsKing and mushroomedmario mensioned.

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