what games require the nunchuk

hiMe said:
yeah probably.
but i just mean for a players point of view you need atleast one nunchuck.cuz no ones gunna buy a wii and not buy the main titles:zelda,mario..e.t.c
I din't buy zelda so what does that make me?
m.bertie said:

just ordered a wii for the kids xmas, there will be 3 kids using/sharing this and the wii comes with 1 wiimote and 1 nunchuk, im wondering if i should buy an extra wiimote and an extra nunchuck, i know i will need the extra wii mote but is there many games require the nunchuk.

so is there a list of games that need the nunchuck or is there many titles?

hey newbie research it:ciappa:
The simpsons requires a nunchuk for each player, but the 2 player stinks in my opinion.
wiiman14 said:
:p Never really liked Zelda.(Prepared for flame:scared: )
PS:350 post!! Woot!
shoots flaming arrow, throws a molotov cocktail, cooks above a bonfire.

flamed enough?

/on topic
I'd do what the others are suggesting, buy enough wiimotes and nunchucks to support 3 people (in other words, 3 motes, 3 chucks *snicker*).
wiiman14 said:
I din't buy zelda so what does that make me?
so you telling me you bought a wii yet your not gunna by any of the mario series, or any "star" game?...[[p.s i did write e.t.c
and why is everyone on my tail bout this ;-;
Eagles said:
Yes and he already has a Nunchuck. Less then one nunchuck is zero nunchucks.
it was a rhetorical question...and you know it made sence!
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thanks to all for the useful replies, i now realise that the nunchuk is essential, so i think for now i will buy 1 extra remote and 1 extra nunchuk, giving us 2 of each, 3 of each would be ideal but budget is limited, if we think a 3rd one of each would be needed then we can get them at a later date.

so my hunt is on for a remote and nunchuck

thanks guys :smilewinkgrin:

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