What game to buy?

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roanlo zol

WiiChat Member
Nov 17, 2007
ok. My birthday was on Monday and i got $400 dollars from all my family

I've gone down to that i want to spend no more than $250 on games

Heres a list of a few games that i had in mind

Mario and Sonic at Olympic games(i've played before and unlocked all but 3 events-IMPOSSIBLE TO GET)

Mario super charged soccer(never played the other one, if there was one. Is it any good?)

Link's Crossbow training(i got stickers-for the zapper, from a magazine and the game sounds pretty good... But it is worth buying it? and how much does it cost)

Wario Ware. i was thinking of Renting this at the video store on Friday, so i don't know if it's gonna be worth buying

Super Smash Bros Brawl-i will get this when it is realesed in Australia, no matter what

WII point cards? 2-3k points?

um i've heard and played a bit of this Zelda pack where you can play every zelda game made(similar to Sonic, mega collection plus) from number 1-majora's mask)

And my last idea of a game is Mario party 8

Any comment on the games will be very helpfull. and if you could suggest any other games that would be good too:yesnod: But i mainly enjoy cartoonish games, aka mario, sonic, link... and i don't play to much of the blood and guts/racing games
Please use the "Official Which Game To Buy or Rent" thread when looking for new Wii games to get.
How bout an extra wimote and nunchuck?
Plus try this game. Medal of Honor 2:Heroes
Its an FPS about WWII, it has online for the wii.
Plus take into consideration that you know what games your gonna get on the VC before you buy alot of points. Plus WiWare is coming out so you can spend them all.
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Sorry i didn't know there was a thread for it, don't spend much time on this forum... Could you move to fight place?

i have 2 wii remotes and 1 numbuck at the moment

i was planing on getting 2k points for the wii net(or friend might send to me for free) and i don't know any games i will/might get on there
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