What ever happened to?


umm yaa.... anybody here?
May 13, 2007
In search of epic lulz
Wii Online Code
Wii and Ds compatability ???

Am i crazy and imaged reading awhile ago that there would be such technology with the wii? I mean its not like nintendo has never done something like that before, playing gameboy on the snes was so much fun! I really just wanna stick my ds games in the sd slot and see what happens lol :lol:

But ya i just pictured being able to use the wii-mote as a stylus that wouldve been great, Oh well a boy can only dream...
Yeah, well this new pokemon game will have DS-Wii stuff,

But apart from that it's been pretty quiet =[
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meh pokemon i really can not stand to play any of those games, but ya i feel really gipped because i swear i remember reading a article on how the ds and wii were gonna work hand in hand!

what kind of stuff will the pokemon game have?
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It will be a long time before something using this feature to it's best will come out, sad to say. I remember reading stuff like this too ages ago, but I guess it never came through.
chach said:
what kind of stuff will the pokemon game have?
I think you will be able to transfer your trained pokemon from diamond or pearl onto the Wii version.
Happy said:
I think you will be able to transfer your trained pokemon from diamond or pearl onto the Wii version.
Not just that! You can use the DS as your controller and display status on the DS screens.

I cant WAIT until we get a version of Advance Wars that supports this feature :drool:
I can't see it being compatable with most games to be honest. What with the Wii's unique controls and the DS's twin screen feature. Still, I'm sure there will be some interaction along the line!

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