What Does Your "MySims" look like?

cyberzomby said:
Its great to hear that you can use a USB "stations" because Im on a laptop and I dont think I can plug in a card.

How are those things called? Im going to google them up right now and decide if Im going to ask them for my birthday :) You're screen's look a tad dark, is that because of youre setting or because of the quality?
Thanks for the info so far btw :)

Mine's a Hauppauge (http://www.hauppauge.com/).

They make some cheap and nicer models. ATI makes one too. I used to have an All-In-Wonder USB2, it had the RCA hookups instead of just svideo and coax, so the quality would have been better, but the Linux support didn't exist. So I went with Hauppauge ;p.

Screen's probably dark depending on each of our monitor's settings. I did have to tone down the contrast and brightness a little when I first hooked it up. Coax isn't the best to use. And I use a Monster RF modulator to convert the original Wii video and audio to coax.
haha totaly missed the arcade there lol! Its really cool indeed !! :D:D

Not a huge fan of those chairs though :(

Wauw thanks for that info. And that emulator is a program? ( free or do I need to get that )

So I need to look for something that looks like this?

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cyberzomby said:
haha totaly missed the arcade there lol! Its really cool indeed !! :D:D

Not a huge fan of those chairs though :(

Wauw thanks for that info. And that emulator is a program? ( free or do I need to get that )

WinTV 2000 came with it. The software you need usually does, at least for Windows. Not sure about Macs.
Cool +1 rep for you !!

Ill do some more research myself. Looks promising though.

I think I've found something

I should look for something like this right?

OH btw : Essence, sorry for the topic Hijack! Ill post some more pictures soon!!
cyberzomby said:
Cool +1 rep for you !!

Ill do some more research myself. Looks promising though.

I think I've found something

I should look for something like this right?

OH btw : Essence, sorry for the topic Hijack! Ill post some more pictures soon!!

Yeah, that would probably work. Check if it comes with software.
This is my faaaaavorite Sim.

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sirgrim said:
This is my faaaaavorite Sim.


Its ok,Zomby! I still wuv you. lol! Oh, Grim! That is a cool sim! I like him now! Mummy! ^__^* All that talk you guys were doing had me all confused. lol! It'd make sense if I could see it.
Well we talked about a usb device that should be able to recrod stuff from a scart set of wires.

So what it comes down to is: Plug in the usb thing in youre 'puter. Plug in the wii on the other side and press record to record directly to youre hard disc. And than theres the software of the usb device that leds you save and edit it. ( I'm hoping I can load it up in my favorite movie editing program and do it in there once I can get that program working :p )

But I think I'm going to buy it! I was thinking of asking it for my birthday but its way to risky ( I'm not sure if it will work on my laptop, not sure if Im going to use it that much after the initial: OMG ITS SO COOL :p :p thoughts. ) I do need this if I ever are to create a wii movie ( wich I want to do so bad )
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cyberzomby said:
Well we talked about a usb device that should be able to recrod stuff from a scart set of wires.

So what it comes down to is: Plug in the usb thing in youre 'puter. Plug in the wii on the other side and press record to record directly to youre hard disc. And than theres the software of the usb device that leds you save and edit it. ( I'm hoping I can load it up in my favorite movie editing program and do it in there once I can get that program working :p )

But I think I'm going to buy it! I was thinking of asking it for my birthday but its way to risky ( I'm not sure if it will work on my laptop, not sure if Im going to use it that much after the initial: OMG ITS SO COOL :p :p thoughts. ) I do need this if I ever are to create a wii movie ( wich I want to do so bad )

Wow! Well, I really wanna see your movie! I wanna sub to you on youtube. So, this will be a great chance to see more of your creativity! That 5 second vid was just awesome!
Thanks a lot ! And with this little adition I can make a movie that goes somewhere ;)

If this works like I hope it does I can make the movie the way I want it to be :D
Ive finnaly had time to take pics of my sim!!!

My sim Kevin:

My house:

My workshop:

Sorry there so big, my computter is messed up
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  • #102
MySims said:
Ive finnaly had time to take pics of my sim!!!

My sim Kevin:

My house:

My workshop:

Sorry there so big, my computter is messed up

Absolutely beautiful. Your sims is a hottie! lol! I love his eyes! hehehe! I love your house and workshop! Very very unique! ^__~* Show more when you have the time. Also, you can take your pics in to regular ole Paint and shrink them.
Right well i cant upload photos right now im gonna try again later tonight so ill just describe a little of the layout of my town for now.

p.s i only got the game yesterday and im at 3,1/2 stars already :)


my main town, is where my

ice cream shop,
flower shop


and in the woods is

my sushi bar (next to the lake)
and the library,
and the fashion shop.

(i also placed all the gentle quite sims in the woods.)


Kickboxing arena
costume shop

(and im going to put all my noisy loud sims here)

average sims stay in main town.


i made a cool statue for the museum guy,

my fave item i have made so far is, .. ummm

i like my beds, and well. i made and awsome tub,
and a few goood tube.

my fave buildings are,

my library / sushi bar / italian restaurant / kick boxing arena.
daviduk200 said:
Right well i cant upload photos right now im gonna try again later tonight so ill just describe a little of the layout of my town for now.

p.s i only got the game yesterday and im at 3,1/2 stars already :)


my main town, is where my

ice cream shop,
flower shop


and in the woods is

my sushi bar (next to the lake)
and the library,
and the fashion shop.

(i also placed all the gentle quite sims in the woods.)


Kickboxing arena
costume shop

(and im going to put all my noisy loud sims here)

average sims stay in main town.


i made a cool statue for the museum guy,

my fave item i have made so far is, .. ummm

i like my beds, and well. i made and awsome tub,
and a few goood tube.

my fave buildings are,

my library / sushi bar / italian restaurant / kick boxing arena.

Sounds great! Try to get your town 100% of a style or two, and you can get an uber Sim. I got my first at 4 stars. You can check what %s it's at on your main map.
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Thats right! heheh! Grim, did you get my email about joining the Facebook MySims FanClub? lol!

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