What Does Your "MySims" look like?

I got $20 so far. I worked for some of it, and found sme of it. Well, I have $20 and a $25 gift card. I'm getting the game tommarow. I'll get the change (Coins) that I put in a jar. I'm sure I'll have enough money to get My Sims.

I'll let you know what I think about My Sims!
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  • #32
YAY! Thats great, Nfan! You have certainly earned it with all the work you've done. Let us all know how you like it!
I'm wondering when my Grandma and Grandpa are coming. After I get home from school, which is 1:00 pm, All I can do is wait until they get to my house. After that we can count my change, and get My Sims.
Nice :) I can imagine the feeling you will get when you go out and buy the game with youre grandparents and the first time you put it in youre wii.

Aaaaah the good old days :cool:
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  • #36
Thats great! I cant wait to see what you have! ^__^*
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  • #38
Aww! I know how you feel. Trust me! lol! But, Tomorrow an we will see pics from you soon, right? Yay!:yesnod:
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  • #41
I used www.photobucket.com. Its lets you direct link your pics. When you upload the pic, it gives you all the html codes with you pic attactched to it in the code. And the codes are labeled so you know what a code it. All you need is the image code. It was say "Image Code" beside that code. Paste it here, and we will see you pic! ^__^*

Let me know if I have confused you.
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  • #42
wario2ooo said:
mine is still in the works....lol

Whats still the in the works, Wario? I havent heard from you on msn,too. Im ticked. Or on my wii! Now, Im mad. LOL!
-hides in corner-.....i thought you stopped chatting with me.....so i didn't wanted to bother you
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  • #44
wario2ooo said:
-hides in corner-.....i thought you stopped chatting with me.....so i didn't wanted to bother you

What? Why would I ever stop chatting with you? lol! I was waiting and waiting. lol! Lets share our love for mysims together! *hugs Wario*

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