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WiiChat Member
Jul 16, 2007
I registered to a website that said that they would give me a free wii and I'm already 20% of the way there and I just need 6 refferals. If you would like to join the site go to this link and register and I will tell you what to do next.

Does anyone have any opinions on this site?
Please help me by going to the refferal link and registering. I know you probably think it is unfair, but you can get a free wii to on this website that this link will take you to. Thanks for your help!

My friend has done these sites before where they give you money for referring members, and also like ipods. It works. But I dont think ^^ this is real.
All I have to say is, you won't be getting one.
Sorry, but just go out and find one at your local video game retailers.
what a coincidence that is his first post :p dont most on wiichat have wiis anyways?
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