What Do YOU Think The Snaps Are For?


Am I Losing Friends?
Aug 8, 2006
Wii Online Code

I Think They're For... Say... Securely Connecting To A Charging Dock.

What Do You Guys Think?

OH! And I Found Something Kinda Interesting.

Wiimote & Nunchuck Prototypes.


(apparently its in a book)
I'm guessing as well that it is for a charging dock. It might also be for a wireless nunchuck. Or have you seen the picture of the prototype wiimote and nunchuck? The nunchuck has this block thing at the port where you connect the wiimote and nunchuck. Heres a link to see what i mean. Just skip to about 1 minute:
Nintendo does that all the time... they incorporate something into the design that will never be used, just like the slots on the back of the classic controller...
^yea,im pretty sure those aren,t for design i mean come on its probably for accessaries such as the upcoming objects(ie.wii tennis racket)
zeon9881 said:
^yea,im pretty sure those aren,t for design i mean come on its probably for accessaries such as the upcoming objects(ie.wii tennis racket)
Yea, I thought maybe it's for the tennis racket, BB bat, or golf club attachments. Anyone have them?
Or maybe it's drain holes for when your coke spills over onto your remote :p
+Maniacal=Maniac+ said:
That Seems Right.:yesnod:

i've never thought of it before, but it does seem logical. When connecting to the gun, you'll need more sturdy support than you would when simply connecting to the nunchuk. this is where the snaps come into play. Yes ! I have figured out nintendo's secret plan...
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I Bet It Snaps In The Back And You Have To Squeeze Two Clips On The Back Of The Gun To Get It Out!:cornut:

Well if u look on both sides of the wiimote u can see the join line where the two halves of the mould are connected but this line is thicker from the bottom to about 2 3rds up it. So this could be something adding to the dock or attachment
it is not for a dock. the extension port on the Wiimote cannot supply power to the batteries at all (Nintendo already said this). the gun thing does seem like the best answer. it will probably help it stay in and will be used in other wiimote controller shells

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