What Do You First??


Slowly returning..
Feb 10, 2007
Portugal, Portimão
Wii Online Code
Do you first put the render in the sig, or do you first create the bg and then put the render in the sig??

I sometimes put the render first, when it's a stock.
I usually put the render in first and then duplicate it a ton of times just incase I want to use the render for different effects. I'll then pick a few colors from the render and then hide all the renders and come up with my background. My method is probably not the most efficient but it's what I found works for me.
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tarheelsuperman said:
I usually put the render in first and then duplicate it a ton of times just incase I want to use the render for different effects. I'll then pick a few colors from the render and then hide all the renders and come up with my background. My method is probably not the most efficient but it's what I found works for me.

Cool, it's good to know that you have different methods than mine :cool:
I always put the render, but I don't duplicate it, so if I have a problem with it I'm screwed, I'll try to duplicate it...
I usually fill the background with a colour (usually black) then add the render straight away, then do all the background effects on top of the render, then delete stuff I don't want (usually on faces of the renders etc..).
demonflair said:
Cool, it's good to know that you have different methods than mine :cool:
I always put the render, but I don't duplicate it, so if I have a problem with it I'm screwed, I'll try to duplicate it...

Yeah I find that the duplicating thing works well for the render. There were just too many times where I would need another render and would end up having to go back to the original file where I got or made the render and then copy it back to the sig and resize it. At least this way I just hide all the duplicated renders until needed and I don't have to worry about matching the sizes perfectly.
tarheelsuperman/me said:
I usually put the render in first and then duplicate it a ton of times just incase I want to use the render for different effects. I'll then pick a few colors from the render, then I do ripple, then another layer of wave, gaussian blur, then set on soft light....etc.

The render is the last thing I usually place in a Sig, followed by some brushing. I borrow certain colours from the render as well, but I mostly design a background with a particular theme in mind.
The above posts also contain some very interesting methods.
Close said:
.....then I do ripple, then another layer of wave, gaussian blur, then set on soft light....etc.....

Sounds interesting. I make a black or white bg before placing the render. Always. Then it's just usually taking colors off of the render, doing gradients or or otehr effects. It depends so much.
Wiired said:
I usually fill the background with a colour (usually black) then add the render straight away, then do all the background effects on top of the render, then delete stuff I don't want (usually on faces of the renders etc..).
^^ exact same.

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