What do they ask for what do u tell them?

Frogger said:
Do it online!

I second that.

Ordering online means you get the shipping day which is a day before release.
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i pre ordered at gamestop what do i ask them when i go pick it up and what do they ask for like name or phone or w/e
what i do is go up the the guy working and say "i preordered **** and im here to pick it up" and then he takes my name and phone number to confirm my identity. this is at gamecrazy but i bet gamestop is pretty much the same process
Why don't you just walk in see what happens - I'm assuming it's not going to be a series of trick questions that you'll need to prepare for...
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lol yea but they mest up my name so i might have to take the receipt if they ask me for a name
You demand they give it to you as obnoxiously as possible.

If they give you any kind of negativity, punch them in the nads.

Repeat as necessary.
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FRuMMaGe said:
You demand they give it to you as obnoxiously as possible.

If they give you any kind of negativity, punch them in the nads.

Repeat as necessary.

tnx for the advice frummage
Is it going to be hard to find a copy if you don't pre-order? I'm thinking I'll just get up early and go to best buy or something. Never really bought a game the day it was released before.

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