What are your thoughts on Red Steels New Video?

I expected this too be sort of a wii fan board but can't say I see much of it. You have to realise that the first trailer was simply much better and much more interesting then the first one. This had nothing to do with the game itself but with the trailer.

The graphics are much better at several parts and I don't think they will get much better, not sure what everybody here is expecting from the wii but they ain't gonna reach xbox360 or ps3 graphics.

You can't really judge how smooth the aiming system is cause the guy is not really playing, it's just some actor who does a bad job for the camara. I think we will only know how good it is when we'll actually play it.

They already confirmed that the sword fighting will be 1:1 so it will be nothing like what that trailer shows. Might've been better to just leave it out of the trailer if they aren't gonna implement it in that way but that's their choice. Sword fighting should be more like what everyone is expecting, which is you controlling the sword instead of just triggering moves.

This game is so much dependend on the controller that I think no one will really know how fun it is untill you pick up the controller. I'm not up-to-date with the story in the game but if they make that interesting enough I will surely buy this game, that is unless Far Cry somehow impresses me more. I want to try out a FPS for the wii as soon as possible.
im not getting this game because theres no blood, im against the against-blood-"EVERYONE"-game even though the majority of the people in the world ARENT kids so they can enjoy/handle/aww at blood.
nintendo trying to take down its Kitty-Title?
Yah, and im running for president

at any rate try out CoD3, if i get more multiplayer details it will probaly be my buy for the FPS
Sovieto said:
im not getting this game because theres no blood, im against the against-blood-"EVERYONE"-game even though the majority of the people in the world ARENT kids so they can enjoy/handle/aww at blood.
Well, to be fair, Goldeneye had a lack of blood (apart from the person going a bit red), and the multiplayer made that game. Maybe we'll see a similar thing with Red Steel...

...Well, one can hope...
i thought them movies were quite good but the movies officially made by nintendo or ubisoft seem alot better than the ones at e3 or other random gameplay trailers... so i think that maybe there trying to make i alot better than it is so ime NOT getting this game until ive played it.
I have only recently started following the game so I did not have any pre-made high expectations. The thing about expectations is that you will always be let down.

I think it looks great and fun and it will be one of my first games!
First what do you mean the sword always come back to the same positions, a couple times it does but then when it is held toward the outside the sword goes back to the outside after the swing, the neutral spot for most people will be in the same spot as that will feel comfortable, just like your remote now, it will goto where you put it since it now is very close to mimicking your movements, that is why there is now a red line. As for the blood if there is any it is most likely cut out for the demos as it always is since any age can go up and play the game. If you don't want to get the game at launch, don't, quit whining but I'll be the one having fun with it. I think someone asked this here but on the ubisoft site they have confirmed split-screen multiplayer, hopefully in 2007 there will be a patch to play this online.
**edit sorry I missed this question somehow, yes ragdoll is in the game, look at the LGC movie I believe thats where the guy as blown away in the begining by the hydrant, this was told some time back I beileve, I'll try to get a source, probably on wikipedia with a source?
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m7ticalm said:
Hey i so that new video of red steel from the LGC (if u havnt seen it go to www.redsteelgame.com and click on videos

Well, i thought it was horrible in comparison to the first one, when i saw the first one i fell in love with Red Steel but after this.....All i'll say is that its changing my thoughts i mean the shootings ok but WTF is the sword fighting about? The first videos sword fighting was the best thing i had ever seen, but this? Is this some kind of Joke? The guy who he fights looks like crappy graphics and why does his sword (the players) just come straight back to its original point?

Plz reply, especially to sword fighting bit

Yah it looks like there is a white link arond them adn that they go to a cardboard state and they aruptly turn when you do. I would rather have you have to turn to face them yourself and they do the same so its all more real. It seems like you guys lock and when they go left, they go right to stay 1on1
Wii Believe said:
i trust them, i was just dissapointed with the lines of the sword....


and ragdoll would be sweet, otherwise as with all wii games, we will have to see it played to judge it correctly

C'mon! :hand: You could probably count on your fingers how many games on Nintendo Consoles show 'red' blood. Better the lines of the sword than green blood (....???) or something of a substitute for blood. Though the red flashing of the screen in Goldeneye wasnt much of a bother.
the thing you have to remember is that this is only the beginning... look at the first wave of games on the psone, then compare them with games that came out a year later
I dont reely care about sword fighting theat much as long as the gun combat is beesty and the sord fighting video just u no put me down i dont care i already pre ordered my Wii and LoP:TP and Red steel so icould care less im already gettin it!!!!:lol:

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