Dont read this.
I'm not really scared of dying (or really care... I mean it's going to happen whatever I do). It never really mattered to me when someone died. So many people I've known (relatives, friends, girlfriends... almost all exs, etc.) have died that I just stopped caring. I grew kind of heartless and fake. I always seem cheerful, happy, and fun. I can even make myself seem to mourn. I did such a good job of faking it became second nature to me. Recently I've started opening up though... without even knowing it.
My current girlfriend just recently got into an accident and went to the hospitable. I broke down and became frantic... all my walls crumbled. Not only was I scared of losing her, but I was selfish and even more scared of being left put in the open.
I'm back to normal now (she's fine), but I don't think I'll ever be the same. At first I thought maybe I was in love with her, but I think I was just immaturely jumping to conclusions. People always want to believe in love so they delude themselves into believing they're in love too quickly (divorce galore). I was feeling too secure and got hit with my guard down.
Overall.. I guess the point is I'm scared of letting my guard down. I've never felt things normally and I'm scared to start. Emotional and physical pain have never bothered me, but I'm scared all those years will hit me all at once if I just let go.
Well, I shared my deepest, darkest (and new-found) fear with everyone. BTW don't worry about anything... just do it. Talking helps you resolve things and this is the web. Just let it out... being scared to try is the worse fear in my opinion. So, someone else can take a turn. I'm off. See ya.