What are you playing??

allstar2b87 said:
what game are you playing...whether it be on the wii or computer or any other console...

currently i am playing Mario Bro's on the computer...the japanese version..


the video was already posted on another thread..but thats what i am playing right now...first time i've played this version...its pretty cool

EDIT: I am also playing Mortal Kombat for the wii on and off when im not playing mario bro's

lol you got some anger issues there...
Gamecube- Mario Kart/Melee

Pc- Wolfenstein/Warcraft (not WoW, that steals souls O_O :lol: )

wii- -.-'
New Super Mario Bros. for DS. Of course, with some Wii Sports and Wii Play in the mix.
Currently spending more time on my DS with the Wii getting repaired thanks to my 2 yr old. So I'm playing Planet Puzzle League. Once I get my Wii back I'll be playing BBA: Wii Degree.
Half Life 2 (Starting my 4th playthrough. Excellent game)
Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

LoZ: TP (I'll start my 6th playthrough soon, I think - Yes, I love it!)
LoZ: WW (Starting again, got sidetracked and lost the plot)
Red Steel

Final Fantasy III
Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin
Metroid Prime Hunters
Crackdown and DiRT on the 360, both pretty addictive...

not much left on Crackdown though, not the longest game in the world, and DiRT has only been out a few days so lots left on that :)

dont remember the last time i played my wii, was Streets of Rage, but i want to buy Godfather and Eledees (Elebits in US)
I got Zelda last week but now RE:4 is here I'll just be playing that I think! :cool:

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