What are you listening to??

pretty good, no, Trag?

Brings back memories of the old days before I discovered the internet could be used for gaming and watching videos.

They did the right thing to use this in the reveal.

Why do Fire Emblem recruitment themes have to be so epic?
It's the game's most important aspect, innit? Marth ain't gonna sweep the entirety of Dohlr Keep by his lonesome.
Actually, my lords can usually take out entire chapters on their own, just give me an unbreakable weapon and I'm good. Aether also helps to bullshit things.

dunno about marth or roy (yet) though lol

Some tango.
Why oh why is there only 1 trainer battle song (excluding gyms/major events)? Talking about offline only.
(unless I'm mistaken, someone help me)

Can you handle it for 30mins?

I keep coming back for those trombones.

Odd that Riki is the only party member with his very own theme song.
Just found a perfect song for Pokemon Stadium 2!
If this is not one of the hype-ist song ever, get outta my face.
Just remember that this came from a Pokemon game. A Pokemon game from 2 years ago.
It is unedited, as in the original soundtrack.
Way better than anything in XY.
If that doesn't get you, it's from a "Learn how to Type" game!
It's not by the usual Poke Composer, so I guess that explains it.

if you want the brstm file (which loops perfectly), directly to mediafire. Recommended as "H04" to put over PS2's Pokemon Evolving song.

That's deep, man. Deep.

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