What Are You Doing?


WiiChat Member
Jan 19, 2011
Wii Online Code
In here, post what games you are playing right now and what you are doing.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl - I'm playing for fun mostly. I also play with my nephew when he comes over. I am also working on completing the whole game. I still have the last event to do, too.

Pokemon Battle Revolution - I completed all the colosseums once and now I'm doing the Level 50 All battles. I also play online.

Mario Sports Mix - I'm gonna start playing this game again today, hopefully. I'm working on unlocking the rest of the characters. So many of them!

Super Smash Bros. Melee - I'm not currently playing this but as soon as I get my room cleaned up and changed around, I'll hook my GC up in there and play it, mostly with my nephew. This game is complete. I like how Lucario was based off of Mewtwo.

Metroid Prime - I haven't played it in a couple months but I might keep working at it.

The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventure - Once the GC gets hooked up, I'm gonna finally beat this game.

Pokemon Stadium - I'm working on completing the Stadiums and Castle. Rounds 1 and 2. I also play Yellow using Stadium. After this game, I move onto Stadium 2.

Game Boy Color:
Pokemon Yellow - I started a new game a week ago and had a good thing going but I re-started again because I found out about the Mew glitch and I want Mew. :D

Pokemon Pinball - I LOVED THIS GAME! And I was great at it. I'm gonna start playing it again.

Nintendo DS:
Pokemon Pearl - I'm leveling up Pokemon and making my way to Stark Mountain.

Pokemon HeartGold - I'm in Ecruteak City but I'm training Pokemon and doing Pokeathlon games so I can get the prizes.

Pokemon White - After game things. I still have to catch Volcarana. I'm mostly catching old gen. Pokemon. I just found all the Sages.

I don't play my PS3 much anymore. I will once a certain game comes out. And my brother is giving me a FREE 360! I can't wait! Thanks for reading.
Playing some Shinobidio

On my forth playthrew
ehh couldn't care for games SUPPOSED to finish fable II and fallout new vegas but meh.... waiting for my birthday to take out the nes and atari.
I'm replaying Fatal Frame 4: Mask Of The Lunar Eclipse [on wii: english patched]
and on Ps3 I'm playing DeadRisin2 && RE5

oh almost forgot also giving Super Paper Mario [on wii] yet ANOTHER chance by replaying it but so far...its just...total **** like its always been
I'm playing Dragon Age.

Also recently picked up the GotY edition of Oblivion, but I've been too busy to open it.
I'm trying to play Minecraft at school since my little bro has a tutoring session until 5:00 so I have to sit and do nothing for 2 hours, but the gay Sonicwall won't let me access my account, so tomorrow I'm gonna try to bypass it. I have an idea on how I'll do it. Screw getting caught; it's Minecraft, damnit!

As for what I'm doing, I'm looking at a Wii Chat thread titled "What Are You Doing?"...
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As for what I'm doing, I'm looking at a Wii Chat thread titled "What Are You Doing?"...

Good one. Not.

In Pokemon Yellow, I was making my way through Silph Co. and my Pokemon took a lot of damage and were hurting bad. I found the beds and the nurse, I guess she is, and healed up my Pokemon before the battle with the rival. He took a lot out of my Pokemon and I had only one left after the battle: Nidoking, after reviving him with the Max Revive I found earlier, during the battle. After I won, I checked the next floor to see where I was at and then I was going to head back and heal but I went too far and encountered Team Rocket! Remember, I only had Nidoking left. But, I was able to take out their Pokemon and go heal. That was scary.
I once screwed up my Yellow version so bad that I ended up having my pikachu in the box and my highest level pokemon a nidoking.

As for what I'm doing now, I recently discovered that Archer is in fact decent to watch. Slowly making my way through seasons 1 and 2 on my laptop.
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Some of you people missed what this thread is all about. It's what games are you playing and what you are doing in those games.
Gathering things for videos based on games.......
Trying to unlock all of the songs on Rock Band 2, also replaying No More Heroes to get the real final :)
  • MK Wii,
  • Epic Mickey (1st run),
  • Zelda: Twilight Princess (3rd run),
  • NSMB (2nd run),
  • Star Soldier R (beat my high score),
  • Defend Your Castle (beat my high score),
  • AC:CF (obvious),
  • Super Mario Galaxy (1st run).

Xbox 360:
  • GTA4 (100%),
  • CoD: MW2 (2nd prestige to final prestige),
  • Halo 3 (Achievements).

  • Words With Friends,
  • Angry Birds.

  • Sims 2,
  • SimCity 4.

  • Super Mario Sunshine (100% attempt).

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