What are the actually GOOD Wii games for a "Wii60" owner?

I'm guessing this will probably be a no brainer for most people, but what do you think......

Orange Box or MoHH2

Only reason I'm considering MoH is because of the online play. I dont have any online games for the Wii and I think it could be fun

And would you have to play Half Life 1 to know whats going on in 2?
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Yea you do. But in the xbox forums, www.xbox.com (not this website) they have a sticky in the Orange Box section with a timeline of the story for people who havent played the first half-life. Its one of the best stories on a FPS. One of the FPS either way.

I dont actually have Online on my Wii yet. Because you have to buy that USB to Ethernet converter. I didnt ever buy it yet and probably never will because I have Xbox Live.

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