Adding E-mail Addresses


WiiChat Member
Nov 20, 2006
Columbus, Ohio
Wii Online Code
Hey all,

Just added my personal e-mail to my "Wii Address book"

This is what i received:

Wii E-mail said:
An owner of a Wii Console is asking permission
to register you as a Wii Friend to exchange
e-mail with you. This individual's Wii e-mail address is <>

If you would like to exchange e-mail with this
individual, simply reply to this message.
You will then be able to exchange e-mail with
the following Wii address: <>

If you are unfamiliar with this Wii console and
its sender, please erase this e-mail without
responding to it.

So my Wii has an e-mail address....this means it could recieve Spam as well :mad5: Although having w"wiinumber" is nice, and I could e-mail any important stuff to meself which is cool as hell.

Anyways just thought this was neat for the "Others" Wii Message Board Registration.
now that i have ur wii email, imma sign u up to pr0n. thanks :thumbsup:
no it doesnt allow spam to enter ur wii, because nintendo requires you to initiate a registered person you can talk to before you can get messages from them.... so yeah
from the main menu, click on the little envelop icon (bottom right). then "create new message", address book. there u can add other people's wii friend code by hitting "register" and also email addresses. and im not sure wat u can do with a fone, since it had a picture of a fone on there too
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komio said:
no it doesnt allow spam to enter ur wii, because nintendo requires you to initiate a registered person you can talk to before you can get messages from them.... so yeah

haha. I forgot. I guess it would be shitty. You could crash someone's Wii all on SPAM!

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