What Add-On Hardware can you dream of?

r00ntje said:
Darn... as I said, you are really a smart guy.

Well, if you put it THAT way, I guess I should throw my Wii in the trash, because now I dont understand why I bought it with the Wii Sports package... Why do I play videogames at all, if I can play outside? Doh, its all so confusing...

Umm, I'd like to see you turn into a guy named link, dress in a green suit, adventure through villages taken over by darkness and fight monsters to save a princess. I'd also like to see you turn into a monkey, hop in a little ball, and roll around on little obstacle courses like in SuperMonkey Ball...reasons like those are why you got a Wii. I'm gonna have to agree with method of rhythm on this one... Honestly man weights in the wiimote has to be just about the most useless/pointless/WTF? idea ever. Why in the hell would u want to have weights in your remote, to lift weights you can go to a weight room and what part of "added weight" would make games more fun? If you want to play the sports realistically then go play them thats what bowling alleys and tennis courts are for. For now whats provided on the wii is pretty damn close to real. And if you dont feel like getting up and driving to the nearest court or bowling alley wii sports should suffice for the time being. I'm sure there are many more innovative ideas nintendo could throw out there rather than adding a few pounds to the controller. Unless your expecting them to haul out a 50 lb. controller extra added weight isnt gonna alter your health in any way lol.
I would like to see sports equipment (golf club, fishing rod, tennis racket, bat, etc.). A skateboard would be rather interesting. A gun for FPS games. Yes, HDTV supprt would be welcomed as well as more online interactivity.
i want a mic and cam for webplay a media player would be great and computer to wii compatibillity
roontje said:
What I would like to see is some WEIGHTS, in which you can insert your Wiimote. You could get a serious (and fun) workout from doing Wii Sports.

I see what roontje is saying here (well i think I do) to make the games more realistic? But not wanting to start the flaming back up again here is a suggestion for roontje. Why not get those sandbag weights you strap round your wrist, use those to simulate the weight of the object while playing the game?

sint said:
I would like to see sports equipment (golf club, fishing rod, tennis racket, bat, etc.). A skateboard would be rather interesting. A gun for FPS games. Yes, HDTV supprt would be welcomed as well as more online interactivity.

Sint - You can already buy a Golfclub, steeringwheel and tennis racquet for the Wii. Just have a look: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Joytech-Sports-Pack-Wii/dp/B000L3J5NE/sr=8-28/qid=1168360215/ref=sr_1_28/203-7103259-5798343?ie=UTF8&s=videogames
i would want 2 see HdtV compatibility and maybe a sensor bar which doesnt get disrupted as much
r00ntje said:
I think its already possible to connect a Harddrive to your Wii, havent done it myself, but its somewhere in the manual I saw.

Some shotgun-like extension is being made by nintendo, similar to the lightgun.

What I would like to see is some WEIGHTS, in which you can insert your Wiimote. You could get a serious (and fun) workout from doing Wii Sports.

u can buy those workout strap on weights and attatch em to your arms. just some of them ar really uncomfortable. 5/10/15 pounds an arm would really get your ripped playing tennis at pro level :aureola:, for a few hours a day :p
PC connectivity, Hard Drive, Headset, Keyboard, changeable faceplates.
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if Nintendo can provide a driver for those bluetooth headsets woudl make it awsome.

also drivers for BT keyboard... :idea: OR atleast enable USB ports for attaching wireless keyboards..
I think weights for the Wiimote would be a good idea.

After getting my Wii on December 7 I have played for a total of 75-100hrs. I got accustomed to the weight of the Wiimote.

Now when ever I go to play cricket. My bat feels like it is made out of lead. Keep in mind this is only a 2 pound, 7 ounce bat. People say that the Wii is good for exercise but I'm going to have to do some serious cricket practice before the cricket season resumes because I can hardly swing the bat.

If, however, there were weights in the Wiimote, I wouldn't be so used to swinging around something that weighs as much as a piece of plastic and a couple of batteries.

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