What 64 games will you be downloading to your Wii?

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martini178 said:
perfect dark
tomorrow never dies

"Rare" games (the production company that made Goldeneye, Perfect Dark and Tomorrow Never Dies) cannot be downloaded on Virtual Console. Licensing for those games are restricting on Nintendo Wii.

- Scythe
Thats sucks becasue that means no more Conker BFD
Paper Mario, super amash bros.,LOZ Ocarina of time, mario kart 64, donkey kong, mario pty 1and 2, mario tennis, and diddy kong racing
Scyther said:
"Rare" games (the production company that made Goldeneye, Perfect Dark and Tomorrow Never Dies) cannot be downloaded on Virtual Console. Licensing for those games are restricting on Nintendo Wii.

- Scythe
those rare games are if they are on the vc and the last bond game was made by ea games so that should be on there .... i dont know if it was called tomorrow never dies tho..
nes games im getting

river city randsom
super mario bros 1,2,3
ninja gaiden
castlevania 1,3
Jak said:
Unfortunatly Rare is now Microsoft, and Microsoft owns rights to Perfect Dark, Goldeneye 007, and many others.

Therefore I will be getting:

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Starfox 64
Super Mario 64

That is only my Nintendo 64 list.

Damn You To Hell Microsoft! Although The 360's Cool. There's Something That's Been Bugging Me Lately, At The End Of Banjo tooie The Witch Said: "See Ya In Banjo Threeeeeeeee!!!!" And Then Dies. So I've Been Waiting For Banjo On The Gamecube And It Never Came Out. Is Banjo 3 The Gameboy Advance Version That Came Out Or Is Banjo Gonna Come Back On The 360?
Or Wil He Never Be Seen Again? Someone Tell Meee!
Kaps said:
Phiggy, sorry to say, but conker's bad furday is a Rare Ware property, along with Perfect Dark and Banjo Kazooie/Tooie

Does This Also Mean The Donkey Kong Country Series Won't Be Available For Download Because I Had All 3 Of Em On My Now Broken Snes And I Have The Roms But It Doesnt Feel Right And Donkey Kong Country Is My Favorite Game.