What 64 games will you be downloading to your Wii?


Guardian of the Garden
Jul 6, 2006
The list could be huge, considering that many people here probably don't have their N64's anymore... but what games would you download to your Wii from N64? Mine would be:

Perfect Dark
1080 Snowboarding (maybe)
007 Goldeneye
Star Wars: Rogue Squadron
Zelda: Ocarina of Time (never played it)
F1 World Grand Prix

Can't remember any others. And I have a question: Can you use the Wii controllers (not just the Virtual Console controllers) with NES, SNES, N64 games? Or would you need to purchase 2 Virtual controllers or more to play multiplayer?

- Scythe
Banjo Tooie (If I dont finish it on computer!)
Zelda Ocarina Of Time Master Quest (dont think it really is a 64 game)
Super Smash Bros
Star Fox 64
Paper Mario

maybe more!
I hope you could buy Pre-paid cards in stores for the Virtual Console
Super Mario 64
Pokemon Stadium 1 &2
Donkey Kong 64
Ocarina of Time
i have alot of n64 games (roms) on my computer. im mostly looking forward to the genesis games i havent played in forever like the streets of rage and others.
I have a lot of roms too, but I don't like playing them that much, it just doesn't feel right, even though I have a contoller and I'm not using the keyboard. So I'll end up getting a lot of VC stuff just cause I'm picky and I don't play a lot of games on my computer.
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Dav_4550 said:
I have a lot of roms too, but I don't like playing them that much, it just doesn't feel right, even though I have a contoller and I'm not using the keyboard. So I'll end up getting a lot of VC stuff just cause I'm picky and I don't play a lot of games on my computer.

I agree, I hate playing N64 games on the computer and whatnot... It just doesn't feel right. Also, there is not really a lot of multiplayer that people can have on a computer unless you have more than one Wingman controller, which many do not. Not to mention not all games work that good at all...

Oh and I forgot a game:

Micro Machines Turbo!!!!

- Scythe
Im gona see whats out before geting my hopes up (mario 64 again meh)
Mario 64, DK 64, Mario Kart 64, LoZ: OT & MM, and Star Fox 64.
It's probably obvious what game's at the top of my list by looking at my signature.....STAR FOX 64!!!

Also, of course, Mario Kart 64 and a game I never played, Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time! (I was sort of late to videogames and while I loved the N64, I bought a GC with the money from selling my N64 and missed some great games. Backwards compatibility; what a great concept:)

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