What 2007 title do you want the most ?

My top 5...

1. Super Smash Bros Brawl
2. Fire Emblem
3. Metroid Prime 3
4. Battalion Wars II
5. Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles
SSBB, Harvest moon, Mario Party 8and Brain Training (heard they were making a wii version)

Phantom Hourglass
Smash Brothers, Mario Galaxy and I hope Prince of Persia4 will be released in 07. Also Fable2 and Assassin's Creed.:yesnod:
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trishj said:
Smash Brothers, Mario Galaxy and I hope Prince of Persia4 will be released in 07. Also Fable2 and Assassin's Creed.:yesnod:
Assassins Creed looks CRAZY! too bad its only on ps3.........
m7ticalm said:
Assassins Creed looks CRAZY! too bad its only on ps3.........
Assassin's Creed is also for xbox360. :yesnod: I saw it on games.teamxbox.com/xbox-360/1552/Assasin's Creed no official release date but it said 2007:yesnod:
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Resident Evil
Pilotwings (yay!)
Maybe Mario Galaxy
Maybe Fire Emblem
Definitely Madden '08 if the Saints make the playoffs this year!

EDIT: Deifnitely Harvest Moon if it comes out!
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1. FF:CB if the nordic release is in 2007
2. MP3
3. SMG

1. Bioshock
2. Mass Effect or Blue Dragon
3. Assassins Creed
Galaxy all the way... been too longsincethe last great mario adventure, sunshine didn't cut it

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