

WiiChat Member
Oct 26, 2009
The name is James, you can call me that or Romer. I just got a Wii about two weeks ago... and I have to say that I'm sorry I didn't get it sooner. It's easily the most fun I've ever had playing any kind of video game. It's addicting and you actually do more then just sit on the couch with a controller. I find that it has become my number 1 gaming system right now. I have a 360 and a PS3, my PS3 is broken and waiting for repairs, while my 360 sits quite in my room, begging for me to play it. It's funny, my PS3 broke before my 360. Crazy stuff! Right now my game list consists of:

House Of The Dead: Overkill
Dead Space: Extraction (Easily the best game I've played so far on the Wii)
Wii Sports
Deca Sports
Mario Kart (WOW!)
Need For Speed

Right now I'm really really into Dead Space and Overkill. As I've always been a big fan of the rail shooting style of games. Plus I love Dead Space, so it all works out.

So yea, looking forward to posting and talking about the Wii with you guys!
Welcome, I might Verse you one day at Mario Kart Man. Its Wiichat Rookie Initiation!
Welcome.:burgerking:I see theres no brawl on the list.But,you do have maro kart:D
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Yeah, I don't have Brawl. YET! :D

Yes, I love Dead Space. Everything about it is great. It's a game that I can see myself playing for a long time.

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