weird problem with bowling

The place the ball hits the lane will determine how much curve you will have regardless of how much, or little, you twist your wrist. There seems to be three places you can hit the lane, way far down, a little ways down, at the foul line (i know, so technical :lol:).

Way down the lane will give you the least amount of curve. To do that, follow Ummagumma's advice and chuck it, releasing the ball way up by your face.

The middle one will give you a moderate curve. To do that release the ball right after it passes the perpindicular to ground, ptg from here on in, point. This is what I've seen most people do naturally.

To drop it at the foul line, you'll have to release the ball right at the ptg point. This is what the game instructs you to do and will give you a massive amount of curve.

For me, I do what beneeboi suggests and turn my player a little to the right and move him to the right. Naturally, I release right after ptg so I almost always curve it.
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Yeah seems to get left for my parents too, only slightly though. I recommend moving your Mii over to the right and work for the spin, the spins more of a good thing then you might think.
NjD00 said:
I can't get anything but strikes!! what should i do or is this a glitch?????????

I think you should just keep going the way you're going, and kick everyone's ass!
mrthundercleese said:
The place the ball hits the lane will determine how much curve you will have regardless of how much, or little, you twist your wrist. There seems to be three places you can hit the lane, way far down, a little ways down, at the foul line (i know, so technical :lol:).

Way down the lane will give you the least amount of curve. To do that, follow Ummagumma's advice and chuck it, releasing the ball way up by your face.

The middle one will give you a moderate curve. To do that release the ball right after it passes the perpindicular to ground, ptg from here on in, point. This is what I've seen most people do naturally.

To drop it at the foul line, you'll have to release the ball right at the ptg point. This is what the game instructs you to do and will give you a massive amount of curve.

For me, I do what beneeboi suggests and turn my player a little to the right and move him to the right. Naturally, I release right after ptg so I almost always curve it.

Not to be an ass, but that's called basic physics. It's not a secret to Wii Bowling.

Think about it, if the ball is spinning in the air, the air is creating essentially zero friction on the ball. The vector and velocity of the ball is going to remain roughly the same until it hits the lane. The lane will eventually create enough friction against the ball to cause the ball to slow down, and the spin will take over. If this happens halfway down the lane because you let go of the ball late, that is less chance for the ball to spin.

If you release the ball and it comes in contact with the lane at the foul line, that is more time that the ball has friction exerted against it and therefore more time for it to slow down and the spin to take over, thus determining "how much curve you will have".
no I'm a pro sorry everyone!
seriously it says it in the game...

but honestly it's all how you let go and turn the controler......

you wanna deal straight ball.....pop it high

you want big spin in any direction....go the opposite direction to the side and let go early like right by your foot....major spin action going...and you may come out a STRIKE!
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People who are right handed always put a little bit of spin to the left on the ball if you are throwing the ball down flat, which is probably what you are doing in bowling. You have to throw the ball UP, which will reduce the spin (or get rid of it completely). You will always be able to get it in a perfectly straight line if you throw it up (and slowly).
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well, i've messed around with bowling for a good hour now and i can honestly say that once you get the hang of it, it rocks!

You don't need to wave your hand/arm fureslly to get the curve, just lightly twist the remote horizontally just before letting go.

I can now bowl straight, or curved.. its great :)

now just to get hang of the baseball :/
anyone know whats with the mii arm movement on this game?
hold mote straight up to start...continue to bowl like normal...
shouldent your mii's arm follow exactly as your own? my mii will do
a full swing by the time i get my arm behind me...or back straight
down to the floor...whats with that?
It does this for me and my father, but for my mother, its always perfect straights.

And we're all Right Handed, so it must be that we can't throw it straight >__<.
This is what I figured, may not be true, but seems that way. If you're bowling with your left hand in Wii Bowling, it has a slight curve right no matter what, even if your arm/wrist stay straight. If you bowl right handed it has an automatic slight left curve, you can compensate for that by angling your throw slightly left of the head pin, also, you can twist your wrist to the right, too, that SHOULD help.
LMAO, I know how to throw a straight now.

Just hold the Controller straight, not slightly twisted to the left..

My sisters a leftie, so it drags to the right. It's a natural way of throwing the ball with different hands, although you can change the spin by tilting the Wiimote, or else you can't beat the spin bowling game in training.

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