We shall never forget....................

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^^^since the attacks on september 11, the united states army wont hesitate to shootdown a plane. unlike they did on that day.............again........rest easey
Crazy to think its been 6 years since that. Doesn't make a difference to the people who died then though. Theres still alot of healing to be done for those who didnt die too.
I offer my condolences to all those affected by the tragedy and I hope they will be able to recover.
God Bless all who have lost their lives on 9/11...Let us also remember the men and women who are fighting in Iraq because after this tragic day, they were sent over seas.

On 9/11 I always look at the American Flag with a deeper respect.

And one other thing, Any one on this forum reading this who has lost a loved one 6 years ago today, May God be with you in particular.
My question is, since 9/11 was probably the most significant event of our lifetimes, and was eternally scorched into the whole planet's collective memory, why is it even necessary to say things like "never forget", and "my deepest condolences", etc.... we have all been in a state of healing for SIX YEARS now, and I for one find it a little forced and contrived for people to shed all these "internet-tears" for those who passed away.
I don't mean to start a controversy or argument, simply to point out that as many people died on 9/11 as die in car accidents in America every THREE WEEKS. Thats's 45,000 tragic deaths per year, and 270,000 tragic deaths since 9/11. Keep things in perspective and don't allow your emotions to be so easily manipulated, because those deaths are no less tragic and disasterous for the surviving family members than the 9/11 deaths were, and are.
All I ask is that you keep in mind that targedies are all around us every single day, and to get overly emotional about a relatively small number of deaths SIX whole years ago....is simply unnecessary in my opinion.
That said, R.I.P, those who died, and ALL who die prematurely.
I only pray that the US Government gets whats coming to it, so the truth behind your murders might finally be revealed to the naive public.
If you want to be sad about anything, or upset about anything, be upset that innocents were killed for such a shallow and sadistic reason as global domination and control. The truth will one day be clear, and the muders will be avenged.
Wow time sure does fly by. I'm sure all of us will always remember where we were(for most of us, school) when we heard about what happened.
Raider704 said:
Wow time sure does fly by. I'm sure all of us will always remember where we were(for most of us, school) when we heard about what happened.
I agree. Time does seem to fly by much faster these days. Anyway, I hope the families of those lost in the incident are ok.
I offer my condolences to both the people died in 9/11 and the people that died resulting from the War on Terror.

Also, condolences to the 7/7 victims as well as the Madrid Bombings and Bali Bombings.
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The hype has died down (at least here in Australia) but they are still remembered (by some). When I ask friends there are far too many that say "oh yeah, it's September 11 today!"

Squall7, if you're mentioning terrorist attacks, don't forget the Bali bombings (or is that only remembered between SE Asia and Australia?).
9/11 was a major disaster in the US, and the world.

But think about it: There are so many car accidents that cause death, and the US isn't doing much to prevent it. Also after 9/11 people are afraid to fly, but get this, you are 50 times more likly to get in a car wreck than in a plane. My point is, yes 9/11 was a disaster, and I feel bad for all familys who were hurt by it. But America is worrying about airplane jacking and terrerists, while not worrying about little but importent stuff. Drunk driving leads to more deaths than terrerisom. I'm not saying that terrisom is not a problem, yes it is. a big problem. But also worrie about other things.

It was a horrible thing that happened on 9/11, and it must be really bad for the familys who were harmed them.
I can only offer my best wishs to those who lost someone and condolences to all involved in the happening.
I work 3 blocks from the site and they closed everything down around here, and they are marchin. I just cant believe its been 6 yrs already seems like it wasnt to long ago.

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