We shall never forget....................

Nfanboy said:
9/11 was a major disaster in the US, and the world.

But think about it: There are so many car accidents that cause death, and the US isn't doing much to prevent it. Also after 9/11 people are afraid to fly, but get this, you are 50 times more likly to get in a car wreck than in a plane. My point is, yes 9/11 was a disaster, and I feel bad for all familys who were hurt by it. But America is worrying about airplane jacking and terrerists, while not worrying about little but importent stuff. Drunk driving leads to more deaths than terrerisom. I'm not saying that terrisom is not a problem, yes it is. a big problem. But also worrie about other things.

It was a horrible thing that happened on 9/11, and it must be really bad for the familys who were harmed them.

You have a point in one aspect but, Terrorisom is caused by other people, Drunk driving and car accidents are caused by our own stupidity. So you cant compare the two and the way America deals with it. But i do agree with u in the aspect of we should help each other before goin to help other countries.
My school didn't do a minute silence or anything, I didn't even realise it was September 11th until I saw this... Doesn't seem like too long ago...
zapasant93 said:
how could anyone do that?? it just doesnt make any sence in my mind, if you have something agains the governmet then go after the policians not the innocent public!!!

They hate the governement but it's not the government that they were trying to hurt. They believe in a religion that requires this of them. Don't ask me how they could bring themselves to do such things.
Mingus said:
They hate the governement but it's not the government that they were trying to hurt. They believe in a religion that requires this of them. Don't ask me how they could bring themselves to do such things.

Their religion does not require them to do this or wants them to do this.

People twist the religion to make them think doing this will benefit their life.

They go for the public but also in a case like this it would hit the world harder in other ways. Deeply damaging the economy.
Well it obviously damaged the economy. They took at our World economic trade center. But.... I hate to do this and I have nothing against the people at all but the Muslim religion requires, by Ola, the killing of innocent (although to them not so innocent) lives
Mingus said:
Well it obviously damaged the economy. They took at our World economic trade center. But.... I hate to do this and I have nothing against the people at all but the Muslim religion requires, by Ola, the killing of innocent (although to them not so innocent) lives
Any quotes from the Quar'an saying that?

It's not a case of Religion telling them to do as such. You do not see every Muslim on the planet doing the same thing. You see extremist factions that have a warped view of their religion. If Islam means "peace", then those who commit such attrocities in the name of Islam aren't actually following Islam and are therefore not Islamic. They would be what some would consider, say, Mormons in Christianity - an extreme faction that doesn't adhere to the basic laws of the religion they say they follow.

Now, if we can get back to the memories of those that are hurt, rather than what some believe to be the motivations behind the attack (for which, I don't think there's been a concensus of exactly why they occured).

Sorry for the interuption.
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Wow, today was probably one of the toughest day of my life, our school 4 minutes of silence, and just doing that made me feel so bad, i couldnt even do football, ive been depresed all day, and all the documentaries on tv arent really helping (even tho ive see/taped most of them), but anyways, i did it yesterday but i need to do it again......................god bless the soles of the people,firefighters and nypd who died inside the towers, condolences to the families of the workers in the pentagon and to the families of the heroes of flight united 93.....*bowing head*

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