Watch movies in your Wii


Chapter .1
Aug 20, 2006
Miami Beach, fl
ever since i saw that u can load pictures and watch movies (through sd card) it hit me that you can save movies (downloaded or ripped) into a sd card, and watch them in the Wii, all u need is a 2gb, should be enuff. sure beats download and burning and wasting cds (like i do) i see me doing that. same way i did with ds, thanks to homebrew
Wii movies....mmmmmm :D
NeMeZyZ said:
all u need is a 2gb, should be enuff.
Depends on how good a quality you want them on. If it's proper DVD quality, then no, most discs are dual layered, usually somewhere between 5-8GB. If you decode it and recode it (despite it being illegal-Evasion of the copyright protection), depending on if the Wii will actually play the new code, you may be able to get somewhere, just don't count on it being good quality.

Because you're also using the computer to tranasfer DVD content onto the SD card, the computer will have to read it, and play it, thus rendering the "need" to play it on the wii, pointless.

Now if it was the expensive DS Media Player thing:

Then at least the screen size would be smaller, meaning the video size could be downgraded without significant loss of quality.

But all in all, if you're ripping from DVD (for quality) despite it being illegal, is also pointless.
Squall7 said:
Depends on how good a quality you want them on. If it's proper DVD quality, then no, most discs are dual layered, usually somewhere between 5-8GB. If you decode it and recode it (despite it being illegal-Evasion of the copyright protection), depending on if the Wii will actually play the new code, you may be able to get somewhere, just don't count on it being good quality.

Because you're also using the computer to tranasfer DVD content onto the SD card, the computer will have to read it, and play it, thus rendering the "need" to play it on the wii, pointless.

Now if it was the expensive DS Media Player thing:

Then at least the screen size would be smaller, meaning the video size could be downgraded without significant loss of quality.

But all in all, if you're ripping from DVD (for quality) despite it being illegal, is also pointless.
This really depends on the file-types you can use for quality and size, if you can use mpeg4 than 2 gb will be more than enough especially if you don't want the extra crap, and for the time to decode dvd it depends on the speed of the computer/dvd player and the software you use.
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don't rellay care TOO much about the quality,i watch movies that are 600 mbs and look beautiful, i would have to be a ps3 fan in order to care THAT much about hd and all sorry had to, i thought it was funny..but yea, no more worries about movies for me, and for that lil ds advertisment u showed, i knew about it, but i used the gba movie player and saw a bunch of movies in my ds with it, nintendo can be very resourceful
Actually it is quite easy to watch movies on the wii.
Here's how: with illegal hax.
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Maybe I should cancel my Netflix subscription and just go with this method....too bad my sister stole the wii and put it in her room -_-
Yep, that's correct.

However, I still stand by my opinion of, hax is a terrible method...
Yep, that's correct.

However, I still stand by my opinion of, hax is a terrible method...

I respect your opinion, and may I add, I agree with you. It all depends on what the hacks are used for though IMO.

Like for instance if they were using hacks to use pirate software..yes bad
Or if they were hacking a game that is played against others and giving themselves an advantage..yes Bad
But to do it just to be able to watch movies on your TV from your doesn't hurt or effect anybody at I don't think that part is bad. But thats just my opinion:wink:

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