Was it worth it?

yeah, i had a period of boredom w/ the wii too, but as long as you have a few games to keep in the rotation at a time, it'll be fine.
paintba||er said:

I always used to say how shitty it was going to be and stuff before it came out, but then ABC (if you knew him) and a bunch of other people from a 360 forum convinced me to get one. I really shouldn't have listened to the assholes...

Yes I know ABC. I argued with him more than I argue with you.

He was/is a total douche.
Sure doesn't get old for me. I've been actively playing my Wii for 3 months, mostly alone, with only two games, and these games aren't even "real" games! Sure, sometimes I find myself having to push myself to go attempt to get those last 3 platinum medals on Wii Sports training events, but for the most part I love it! Wii is awesome :D

But yeah, it really just depends on your personality.
balrogs.pa said:
i see myself buying a wii for the games only, like SSBB. but i tire of things quickly. and i go to all these reviews of the wii, and most people say its fun for the first few months, but after those months it just stop's becoming fun and is boring. do any of you agree with that? because i wouldn't want to buy a wii and then not use it. answers. pleaase.

It depends on what type of games you like and whether you're hardcore gamer or casual gamer. There're not many sports & RPG games for Wii right now, so if you're into these types of games, hang on to it. Secondly, if you play video games all day, you'll get bored with anything and everything real fast. As for me, I have more important things in my daily life to take care off, I only play video games casually. But since the last 2, 3 generations of video game consoles didn't offer anything new in video game besides graphics, no original games, nothing innovative, I started to get bored with video games until Wii came out with its new controller and new innovative games (actually, those games were originally from Nintendo DS) I played PS3 but I got bored fast because still same kind of game: shooting, sports, action.... still same ****. With xbox360, still same thing, but at least, I can play online with different players. As for Sports game on Wii, the graphics is nothing compared to those 2, but when I first played it, I felt like I was IN the game (tennis, boxing, bowling are my favorites) I was sweating as if I was at the tennis court or inside the boxing ring. Big Brain Academy is a simple game but really stimulate my brain, makes me focus. Anyway, since you get tired with things quickly, I would say just wait until the end of the year when more games (and good games) will be out. And to be honest, even though you want a Wii now, well... good luck finding one!
I'm 28 yrs old. I bought the wii cause I was bored with games in general and was excited about the possibility of playing games where I get more immersed because it requires more interaction, and I was enticed by the revolutionary strides in gaming that were supposedly taking place with the Wii.

I admit it was really fun for a few months, but I got bored. I find even though having more interaction with my body and games is cool...it is hard to get into things when most of the games are just so..well...kiddy. The whole Mii thing and how they look, and well everything about them...I just can't stand. Their way too childish and damn near pointless. Looking at that whole Mii thing just makes it feel not right for someone my age to be playing and be interested in the Wii.

Also, I don't always want to play a game sitting up or standing or directly right in front of the TV. This limits things quite a bit, and makes things feel restricted a bit. It's like I can't play a Wii game and chill out and relax.

Nowadays, I find-on-line play the most interactive and invigorating method of play. This must include the use of a headset, or you might as well just be playing "the computer." The Wii has no real on-line interactivity like a headset, so what's the point of on-line play? You have to know someone's console code before you can even play with them on-line. This is extremely restricting, especially if you don't know other gamers.

Being my age, I don't have friends that are into gaming anymore. Most of them think I'm a boob for being into games like I am, so it's not like I can have friends over like when I was a kid to play multiplayer. That's why on-line is crucial to me if I want to interact with other gamers and have fun. Plus, I'm a night owl. It's not like I can invite someone over at 3am to play some games especially when most people have to be up early for work.

All in all, I don't think the Wii was worth it for me.

I ended up getting a PS3 and I love it. It truly is the center of my in home entertainment. I watch DVD's. Now I can play Blu-Ray movies which look and sound awesome. I enjoy EVERYTHING in awesome surround sound. Believe me, surround sound makes games SO much more alive and exciting. Plus, I can relate to my games more and that makes them more enjoyable than Wii games. You can download game demos to see if you like the games before you spend your money on them too.

The issue that Wii has better games (well better games coming out later on) is a useless point. The games that are coming out for the PS3 MURDER the games that are going to come out for Wii in every aspect.

I mean seriously...how can anything on Wii compare with MGS4, GTA4, Lair, Killzone 2, etc. etc. Resistance kills all the games I played on Wii including RE4.

I could really go on and on with this.....

Basically, I see it like this. It depends on the person. Wii was not the best choice for me.

However, if you are a young(er) person, simply younger at heart, have a family with younger children (which I don't), have young children yourself (which I don't), Want to play with other willing friends and family members in person, you're a Nintendo fanboy (or girl) that can't get enough of Mario and Zelda....than by all means get a Wii and have some fun.
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balrogs.pa said:
Thanks for the response. Hopefully i wont get bored with it, and if i do, i hope i dont get bored within 4 months :p
you wont get bored with it, unless you rent/buy a lot of games, like vagrant does..
on the other hand (just to push vagrants buttons) you could only have 2-3 games for a xbox 360 and be fufilled for months and months because there are plenty of quality 360 games that keep you busy for hundreds of hours.

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