Virtual Console question

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Old Lady Noob
Nov 8, 2007
Wii Online Code
I don't have access to a highspeed internet connection where I live (it SUCKS, I know), but I have friends with a cable connection. If I take the Wii to their house, can I download VC games and play them later at home? Or must I always be connected to the internet in order to play those games?

Thanks in advance for your help!!
Yes. You can go to their house, download it, then play it later at your internet needed other than to download the game itself

also, i sympathize that you don't have high speed.
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Thanks so much Moose! I'm going to try it! I've had the Wii for less than a month and LOVE it, but feel like I'm missing out on lots of goodies. Me and the Wii will make a play date at my brother's house and I'll research what I should download in the meantime.

Thanks for the sympathy too - I was braced for a barrage of posts saying "You should totally get highspeed!" I'll be the first to sign up the minute it is available on my street! I'm just glad that dial-up is "fast" enough to even be able to access this helpful forum.

On a positive note, without downloads it will take me about 200 years to fill up the Wii hard drive!
Seeing as your question has been answered by Moose there is no point in keeping this thread open. To prevent spam, I've decided to close this thread.
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