Virtual Console game plays on its own


Feb 22, 2007
The Cuse
Wii Online Code
I just bought Sonic yesterday for the virtual console and i went to play it and when i started it it started playing on its own. My wii remote is on and it works in wii sports and everything else so im real confused. I only have a wii remote soo far and it said you could use it for this game but its not working. I trried it a couple more times and it still didnt work. Anyone else have the same problem?
I think you'll find you need a Classic controller to play most VC games but don't quote me on that : - )
The Wiimote should work with Sonic. Are you sure you know which button is the start button when using the Wiimote to play? (It's the + button, if you don't know)
... Just press +. It's the 'Start' button when the Wiimote is held sideways.
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thank you i figured it out i think that once i resynched it the game worked

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