Virtua tennis 2009

Part of it is that the Wii just isn't powerful enough to handle it. First, the CPU is a single-core unit running at around 729 MHz from what I've read, which is good for 2.9 GFLOPS. The PS3 has a 3.2 GHz processor which has seven operational cores, each one of which is good for an estimated 25.6 GFLOPS. So each of those seven cores has almost ten times the computational power of the Wii.

Then there's the issue of graphics. The Wii has an ATI-based 243 MHz graphics chipset, and the PS3 has a NIVIDIA G7800-based setup with 256 meg at 700 MHz, capable of something like 200 GFLOPS for 3D operations. It'd have to be powerful to drive graphics at 1080p. I did the math (roughly) and the PS3 has 5.7 times as many pixels to contend with at 1080p than the Wii does at 480p.

All my figures above are rough and brief; to read more about it, check out Wikipedia, where I got most of the info.

I think the Wii can do a lot; it will depend greatly on how much effort developers will put into it. The Wii has (I think) 64 meg of RAM compared to the PS3's 256 (they call it 512 but it's 256 system / 256 graphics), so from a coding standpoint, there's more work to keep things moving efficiently when you don't have much memory to work with. Anybody remember the Atari 2600? Remember how good the graphics were on most Activision games, compared to the regular Atari games? Better programming. The games themselves weren't that great, but they looked pretty. I spoke to a guy who used to write for the 2600 (ages ago) and he said the actual screen resolution the 2600 could produce was "192 pixels by the speed of your code." I think that applies today too.

Man, I'm really showing my age here... :)

Hey, I remember Pong when it was on a black DOS screen. I thought it was the coolest thing I ever saw. I was just thinking of the comparison between that and Wii tennis game. How far we've come!
Uhm a great treat here!!

Ok, let me explain Ps3/xbox360 games appears better than some Wii games, but there's some Wii games better than the ps3/xbox360 versions (PES2009, Shaum White, Tiger Woods 2010, etc.), how this happen?
Becose the developers follow a fundamental rule: If you want to make a Wii game better than his HD counterparts you should make sure to has graphics as close the next-gen versions and far better controls taking absolute advantage of the Wiimotion controls (motion plus) and include all modes and features of the others versions.
Another rule, the graphics for casual gamers doesn't matter but for hardcore gamers REALLY MATTERS, if you want to make hardcore games for Wii you must make gorgeous, upstanding graphics, if not the game won't has sales sucess (take Dead Rising STYD for example).
In marketing terms, the developers and publishers need to atrack these Wii/xbox360 and Wii/ps3 owners to preffer Wii games over xbox360/ps3, the only way to do this is relase Wii games far better than these consoles. Why?
Becose these Wii/ps3 and Wii/xbox360 owners are the people that buy inmediately,fast, instantly the harcore games and this will represent great sales for Wii hardcore games.
That's happen with Virtual Tennis 2009 for Wii, Sega knows this and try to atract these gamers making the Wii version the best over the ps3/xbox360 versions.
For me, Virtual Tennis 2009 for Wii is far better than Gran Slam Tennis becose his realistic graphics instead the bad cartoonish Gran Slam graphics...
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I'm in agreement with stickmode re the two tennis games... but we'll have to see which one, overall, has the best playability too.

Hey, what makes Shaun White better on the Wii? I had it on my PS3, played it once, then eBayed it. Didn't care for the feel at all. That's why I got SSX Blur on the Wii, while I wait for EA to bring SSX to the PS3 (if they ever do).

I think the Wii, while enormously popular overall, does tend to suffer from a "kiddie game" reputation because of the controls (which also happen to be it's best feature), as well as all of the, well, kiddie-type games. At the same time, those very games are what is getting a lot more people into gaming than ever have been.

On top of that, the most expensive Wii games I've seen are $50. Publishers know they can't go higher than that and expect to sell their games, when for $60 on the PS3 and Xbox, people "know" they'll get better graphics, even if they're dismissing that the control/playability on the Wii may be better.

I thought I'd seen trailers for the PS3 version of Shaun White and that the graphics looked a lot better than the Wii version. No?
Sure, the graphics were great... but the playability sucked. It just didn't "feel" right.

Shaun White has good gameplay on the Wii. And the graphics are pretty good for a Wii game.

That new Tiger Woods golf game looks really good from the trailers I've seen. That has to have some of the best graphics for a Wii game.
Stickmode is hypocrite because he said he doesn't like the cel shading of grand slam, but he listed shaun white with better graphics when it is cartoonish and maybe cell shaded.

GST looks more polished and smoother gameplay wise, and I've never really dug Virtua Tennis. EA usually delivers with their Wii sports games (Madden 09, Tiger Woods 09 were great) too, so that's something to keep in mind.
Stickmode is hypocrite because he said he doesn't like the cel shading of grand slam, but he listed shaun white with better graphics when it is cartoonish and maybe cell shaded.

No my friend I'm not hypocrite, I remember this and I saw is the best for Cell Shaded graphics but NOT THE BEST FOR PHOTOREALISTIC GRAPHICS ON THE Wii.
If you know some franchises are better with cel shading like Ghostbusters, this game will be the best version over the xbox360/ps3 versions. Other franchises don't fit with these graphics like Madden 2010 becose this is a harcore franchise with photorealistics graphics and is a serious misstep from EA to change the style of the game, this game will have low sales and lose popularity for the game fans as result. Instead they must push the Wii graphics to the limits and make it as close the xbox360/ps3 versions with far better controls, all modes and features and gameplay like PES2009. That is why I don't buy another Madden game since the 2008 version (the most mature and realistic Wii version to date).
Oh my god. Stickmode, you seriously have to stop. First of all, please use spell check or look over it or something!! I sometimes have strain my eyes and brain to read some of your posts. A few spelling errors aren't bad, but your posts are terrible!

No my friend I'm not hypocrite

this is a harcore

Becose the developers

need to atrack

These are just a few exapmles. Next, you don't freakin' know if a game on Wii will be better than the PS3 or 360 versions if it HASN'T COME OUT YET. Plus, this is a total opinon!

I'm under the impression that "hardcore" games on the Wii will never benefit the dev, as no one buys them. Like it or not, the majority of the Wii's base is under the vague label, "casual". They don't like games like MadWorld, or Dead Rising. Hell, I even have my doubts about The Conduit when it releases. It does look good though.

I bought my Wii for games that were different. The classic Nintendo franchises, unique styles of gameplay, and the games that are fun when there are a lot of people around. But when I want to play an intense FPS, or that great open-world, state of the art RPG I go PS3. Just accept that some people love the experiences on the PS3 or 360.

I'm under the impression that "hardcore" games on the Wii will never benefit the dev, as no one buys them. Like it or not, the majority of the Wii's base is under the vague label, "casual". They don't like games like MadWorld, or Dead Rising. Hell, I even have my doubts about The Conduit when it releases. It does look good though.

I bought my Wii for games that were different. The classic Nintendo franchises, unique styles of gameplay, and the games that are fun when there are a lot of people around. But when I want to play an intense FPS, or that great open-world, state of the art RPG I go PS3. Just accept that some people love the experiences on the PS3 or 360.


I bought my Wii for intense FPS, Nintendo franchises, and MotionPlus capabilities. FPS games such as Red Steel was okay for a launch title, Metroid was great but it only had a campaign mode, COD:WAW was pretty good on the Wii but the PS3 version had way more content, and hopefully the Conduit or Red Steel 2 will have great online modes that will prove that the Wii can be the ultimate platform for FPS games. Madworld was too short and Dead Rising was garbage and that's why they didn't. The Conduit will sell. Maybe not right away but it will later definitely.
Yeah, I agree that Metroid was awesome. It's one of the Wii's best games by far IMO. I'm hoping the Conduit will be great too, and it's recieved great praise so far, but you never know. As far as the Wii being the ultimate platform for FPS's, sorry but I just can't see it happening. You said it yourself, the other versions have more content and DLC. Not to mention the PSN and Live are much easier for getting in game with friends...

My impresion of the Wii may change in the future, but presently it still has a ways to go.

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