Video of the day!

Half Empty said:
Well duh, but what is supposed to be going on? I can't understand the words worth crap. Is it by Daft Punk or something? And video update, it's long but hilarious.

Yeah it's by Daft Punk. The words are pretty clear to me...

Basically the video is about how an anorexic kid thinks and how the media may affect them.
From the Daft Punk movie, Electroma.

Problably one of the funniest videos I've seen:

[MEDIA]<table border=0 bgcolor=D1D1FE cellpadding=3 cellspacing=1><tr bgcolor=black><td><table border=0 bgcolor=black><tr><td><td valign=middle><a target=_new href=><img border=0 src= width=25 height=25></a></td><td valign=middle><font size=2 face=verdana color=white><a target=_new href=><font color=D1D1FE><b>Mario - The Hardest Level</b></font></a> Guy plays the most difficult Mario level I have seen. You need to hear the commentary. Beware: STRONG language.</font></td></tr></table></td></tr></table>[/MEDIA]
This is funny, and if you don't like it grow a sense of humour please.


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demonflair said:
LMAO!! That reminds of Willy Wonka... :lol:

BTW the video was funny

Have some laugh at this:

That was kinda funny too, it's exactly what I'd imagine the highschool version of xmen to definatley be like.

BTW I posted the wrong video, I really suck at posting stuff sometimes. So any way check the new one, it's much better than the last.
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Good videos guys. Also I am not sure what kind of update to call this one but you guys need to check it out.

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