usb port - what exactly is it for?


WiiChat Member
Nov 20, 2010
the wii system comes with two usb ports, what are their capabilities? is it simply just for a wired connection to the internet? or can they possibly do anything more such as run an external hard drive?

thanks for the input, all comments are appriciated :)
I don't know about the hard drives but, you can plug in a keyboard for browsing the web with. The game rock band needs them to plug insruments into you can also get something called wii speak wich plugs into it.
NO Memory Unit like USB Flash Memory or External HDD can be connected.

Only Wired Internet USB, Rock Band/Guitar Hero instruments, Microphone, Wireless Keyboard, and or Wii Speak.
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thats a shame! i think that would have made a good feature for the wii! oh well, thanks for letting me know! :)
Now that's interesting. I have connected my Wii to my broadband (wifi) and use that for BBC iplayer so could I use my Logitech wireless keyboard and mouse?

That has a pair of PS2 plugs (one for the keyboard and one for the mouse) on the end of the wireless sender so I assume fitting a pair of USB adaptors and then plugging them into the 2 USB sockets on the Wii is all I need to do to enable me to surf the internet on my TV?
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