US too strict?

You can have sex whenever you want, lol! I love people who think sex is illegal until an age. You just can't have sex with someone over 18 if your under 18 unless like you agree or something. Theres some rules that bend it.
Sovieto said:
You can have sex whenever you want, lol! I love people who think sex is illegal until an age. You just can't have sex with someone over 18 if your under 18 unless like you agree or something. Theres some rules that bend it.

No Micheal Jackson-type things.
Sovieto said:
You can have sex whenever you want, lol! I love people who think sex is illegal until an age. You just can't have sex with someone over 18 if your under 18 unless like you agree or something. Theres some rules that bend it.

My Life Just Opened Up:shocked: ...:ciappa:

Just Kidding!:lol:
Ok i know im wrong but ive herad (on radio) that you can your drive when your 14 or so in certainareas in America i don't think it is true just asking
Jenova said:
Drinking is against the law untill a older age for a reason. It's not that it's a "bad" thing, but it's better scientifically to not drink untill you're older. Your brain membrane isn't fully done growing untill you become 21. If your brain membrane isn't strong enough, you can actually choke from getting drunk. (The aclohol goes through your membrane, and down your brain stem, causing you to choke.) It is just more safe at 21, because you are able to withstand alot more alcohol.

Yeh also when your younger, your liver cant without that much alcohol
i think is the best way ...

16-18 are to stupid to handle alcohol.

but then again so are 21.
In Thailand , if you spit on the ground , you get whipped with bamboo , and you are calling U.S.A strict ?
The US is the most Free country on the face of the earth. I've lived in Australia and my parents were born in Italy not to mention the places that I have traveled to. And let me tell you, in this country you can go anywhere with hardwork and a good atitude.
lol speeking of underage cousin is getting married and im getting drunk!! lol oh yeah come to papa Budwiser
Demon Slayer said:
lol speeking of underage cousin is getting married and im getting drunk!! lol oh yeah come to papa Budwiser

Don't die. =D
All Out said:
The US is the most Free country on the face of the earth. I've lived in Australia and my parents were born in Italy not to mention the places that I have traveled to. And let me tell you, in this country you can go anywhere with hardwork and a good atitude.
Yes but (no but yes but no but yes but no)
Dont do that or that or that
All Out said:
The US is the most Free country on the face of the earth. I've lived in Australia and my parents were born in Italy not to mention the places that I have traveled to. And let me tell you, in this country you can go anywhere with hardwork and a good atitude.

Surely Switzerland is more democratic than the US? Over there you can call a referendum on anything if you can get enough people to sign a petition for it.
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Us isnt the only free country in the world, you telling me that Uk isnt a free country?, Canada?, France?, JApan?, New Zealand?
Ronan said:
Us isnt the only free country in the world, you telling me that Uk isnt a free country?, Canada?, France?, JApan?, New Zealand?

Whoa whoa, who said the US is the only free country? Talk about taking my words out of context. I said IMO, the US is the MOST free country. There are LOTS of other free countries.
Jenova said:
Drinking is against the law untill a older age for a reason. It's not that it's a "bad" thing, but it's better scientifically to not drink untill you're older. Your brain membrane isn't fully done growing untill you become 21. If your brain membrane isn't strong enough, you can actually choke from getting drunk. (The aclohol goes through your membrane, and down your brain stem, causing you to choke.) It is just more safe at 21, because you are able to withstand alot more alcohol.
It's because here in the US, they are just that desperate for soldiers.

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