Upgrading my gaming experience, I guess


Mario Kart here I come!!!
Sep 1, 2007
I allready own the wii and have had great times with it but know I am going to purchase a Portable Pc and would like to know if itll be able to power COD4, CSS or eventually Chrysis. All I need to do is to play the games without too much problems in the lowest graphical quality. I was going to buy this Insiron on dell but do you you think it'll be sufficient cuz i dont know wich processor is good or wich graphic card to use but carefull it's in french, Sorry:

Processeur double coeur (heart) Intel® Pentium T2330 (1,6 GHz, FSB 533 MHz, 1 Mo de cache L2)
Windows Vista® Édition Familiale Premium authentique
2048 Mo de mémoire bicanale SDRAM DDR2 667 MHz [2x102]
Hard drive SATA 160 Go (5400 tpm)
Carte graphique Intel® Graphic Media Accelerator X3100

Sorry this probbly isn't the right place to post but i couldn't find any computer gamer forums and i know some people here know their stuff.:smilewinkgrin:
Dude, don't buy a dell :wink: and yeah thats just my opinion, but I have very little faith in Dell products and less in their customer service. If you want an affordable rig I would recommend the following

ZT Link

I bought this machine and I am very happy with it, currently I run all of the Orange box on it without any trouble, also run Wow and I did install the demo for UT3 and played it without much trouble. The machine you have listed has integrated graphics if I am not mistaken, and I would not recommend that for any of newer games, frame rates won't keep up.

Also if you are getting anything with Vista, don't go with anything less than Vista Business or Ultimate Editions, again my opinion but from what I have worked on these two versions seem to be the best.
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i would recommend that you change your proccesor to intel cual core extreme or go with amd phenom quad core. dont go with pentium processors for gaming. amd is better for gaming anyway. also since you are buying it for gaming you should change you chraphics card to ati. ive never liked vista. if you really want to get vista then make sure you have atleast 2 gb of RAM.
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ok thanks guys but id just want to know if it is possible to play the games as im not entirely buying it for games but in a great part.
My budget is fixed at 600E although im getting this one at 550 so yeah.
If it changes anything the screen is 15.4"
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jjrules352 said:
ok thanks guys but id just want to know if it is possible to play the games as im not entirely buying it for games but in a great part.

well as long as you have a dual core processor and 2 gb of RAM you should be fine. if you dont care about the graphics dont go with ati. also if your buying it for more than just games dont get AMD.:yesnod:
Hahahah, stop ingraining his head with ATI fanboy gibberish!

Absolutely nothing wrong with nVidia for laptop cards, and they're clearly owning the big rig graphics market at the top end.
ElronMac said:
Dude, don't buy a dell :wink: and yeah thats just my opinion, but I have very little faith in Dell products and less in their customer service. If you want an affordable rig I would recommend the following
I have 2 Dells and they've been fine :ciappa:
Oh yeah...Dells have been getting a bad rap...and they shouldn't be.

And only a laptop of God will be able to play Crysis.
Brawny said:
Hahahah, stop ingraining his head with ATI fanboy gibberish!

Absolutely nothing wrong with nVidia for laptop cards, and they're clearly owning the big rig graphics market at the top end.

i never said anything about nvidia. its a good graphics card, in most areas even better than ati, but ati is more for gaming.
Lol you wont get far playing games with that right it's got intel intergrated graphics which suck ass!

Get yourself a mid range Geforce 8 Card and processor wise i'd recommend a Intel Core 2 Duo or if you want to keep the costs down go with a Phenom or Dual Core Athlon.

Overclockers.com is a good site to get parts , 4gb of ram these days is like £65

Can you overclock at all? if so buy a cheap Core 2 duo whack in a zalman cooler and oc the crap outta it!
ally_uk said:
Lol you wont get far playing games with that right it's got intel intergrated graphics which suck ass!

Get yourself a mid range Geforce 8 Card and processor wise i'd recommend a Intel Core 2 Duo or if you want to keep the costs down go with a Phenom or Dual Core Athlon.

Overclockers.com is a good site to get parts , 4gb of ram these days is like £65

Can you overclock at all? if so buy a cheap Core 2 duo whack in a zalman cooler and oc the crap outta it!

i agree with what you said about the graphics card.

phenom costs more than core 3 duo. phenom is a quad core.

why on eath would you need 4gb or RAM.
I don't think there many games on the market that will take advantage of more than 2gb of ram.

But I'm thinking on a future proof kinda level if 4gb costs like £65 you might aswell go with that option then you will have a machine that in terms of performance and future proofing will last you longer.

4gb of ram comes in handy if your the kinda user who likes to have Various applications running at the same time i.e CS3 and Dreamweaver

Bearing in mind you will need the 64 bit version of Vista to support 4 gigs properly.

Processor wise I personally would go with a Athlon X2 5600 there cheap , perform well and the bonus is it's a socket AM2 you then have the option to upgrade to a Phenom,
If you want to game, that computer would be nice.


"Graphics Media Accellorator"

It's simply horrible.
Slows down your games.

I've got one.

I've got the juice to run some pretty nice stuff.

Except my graphics card is like the one-legged man in a hundred-mile marathon.

Nvidia and ATI and AMD are pretty reliable as far as I know.
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^ok thats all i needed to know it WILL work even though not necessarily well but the thing is they dont give you the choice on dell so in a year or so ill by a good graphics card.
dell so in a year or so ill by a good graphics card.

you dont have that option with laptops. esp. dell. laptops geberally dont have user-replaceble, or even pro-replaceable gfx/

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