Unofficial Metroid Prime 3 Thread

Funny thing was the Bezerker guy too forever too kill in hypermode. But when I got to Ridley it was pretty easy.
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  • #32
I think there was a message in that first Bezerker guy: namely, hey, dood, hyper mode is going to be very difficult.

I'm wrestling with the Bryyo seed boss now, and now enjoying it very much, I must say. It's the one with the red orbs, and I've been stuck here for quite a while now.
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  • #34
I'd be curious to know if there's a list anywhere of specific differences between normal, veteran and hyper modes. I'm finding the same thing in hyper as I did in veteran - namely that most of the game is the same except the bosses seem a lot harder.
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  • #35
Ok I'm hating life now trying to take down the Pirate Defense Shield, just before the Seed in Pirate Homeland.

What's happening is that I'm trying to shoot those bouncing balls inside the generator tube or whatever that is, and the space pirates are all over me. Bascially, I know you can use the x-ray to get a good shot at them, but every time I do that they jam my transmission, like, instantly. Every once in a while, they give me a few seconds to use the x-ray. Is there some rhyme or reason to when the x-ray stays in place and when it gets jammed?

The super sad thing is that I actually already made it through this point (I mean on this particular game, which is in hyper) only to die trying to save the 4 troopers, got a phone call, and accidentally said not to continue the game so they sent me all the way back to this area.


UPDATE: Ok I'm still fighting through this area, but I did figure out that you need to weaken them with some hyper blasts first and then the x-ray works better. O happy day.
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To pkstudios, the best way to survive generally is to know how to handle hypermode. You are invulnerable to most damage during hypermode only for a limited time. Thereafter you are at risk of corruption unless you shoot out phazon. During the time that you are at risk of corruption two very special things happen. 1: You constantly become more corrupted giving yo more phazon shots and 2: You are no longer invincible so damage inflicted on you boosts your corruption. With this in mind, you should dipatch of enemies more quickly and focus on destroying the batteries. The 3 batteries are set up equidistant from each other around the Tiamat, so this should help with moving efficiently. Also, I didn't notice this until my second playthrough, but everytime you pull the switch unter the Tiamat AA cannon, harmful exhaust is emitted so don't hang around underneath for too long. Basically you have to know how to use hypermode efficiently and the game will actually be a breeze.

Hypermode difficulty actually forced me to master hypermode since the space pirates want Samus' head on a silver platter. I also have a hard time killing the troopers without the Xray visor being jammed. It may be random, but I'm not sure.

Also, I think the dots at the file select screen may be indicative of which difficulty you completed it with 100%. I remember rushing to finish on veteran with only 87%, but I remember finishing Hypermode and Normal difficulty with 100% and the first and third dots are lit. That is the variable that I'm testing now.
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  • #37
Thanks Master Foot!

I think you're describing a different (but similarly difficult) area of the game, but what you say about hypermode efficiency is totally right. I think going through the game in Hyper mode forces you to get better at hyper, better at targeting, and more efficient in your shooting. I was able to defeat bosses in hyper much more easily once I realized I was spraying shots around targets too much and not directly enough AT the middle of the targets, especially when using the hyper beam. Great post.

UPDATE on my issue there: It was just prior to the final assault where you have to protect the 4 soldiers. What I did this time, after finally making it through, was instead of moving right into that area as I always have before, I decided to backtrack to the ship to save the game and replenish my health this time. I highly recommend that method unless you want to go into the next area highly depleted.
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Got it friday, and have been playing all weekend! One great game! By the way, what's the difference in difficulties? Is it only bosses which are harder to kill? I'm playing veteran, finding it fine, so I'm just wondering how much easier Normal is...

Oh, and is there any european Metroid Prime 3 owner up for trading friend vouchers? I got 15 to trade, and I really want that screen shot tool...
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  • #39
JT - is it your understanding that you can only trade friend vouchers with people in your region? I'm asking because I had a problem trading with David in the UK (another poster here). I'm in the US, obviously.
JT, Metroid Prime Veterans should stay away from Normal. It's almost too easy. I think it's meant to prep you for Hypermode, which delivers whoop ass by the truckload.
Sethoi said:
Argh, I want this game so much!

England doesn't have it until next friday!.

If I've completed Prime 1+2 100% reckon I should start on veteran? Oh, And another question, My brother plays Halo 3 and you get a different ending if you complete it on Legendary mode, is it the same with Corruption on Hyper mode?

Ya, don't start on "Normal Mode" it's a joke, they should just call it "Very Easy" and I don't think the ending thing is like halo 3.
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anyone got the UK version of metroid prime 3 so we can trade friiend vouchers =). if ya have pm me.
i haven't been able to put mp3 down for long since friday... i have this constant urge to play it. so far only got stuck once .. but for like 2 hours lol and a couple of the boss's took a few tries (on veteran).. dont know what normal is like but id recommend starting on veteran unless your a very casual gamer.. or just want to experience the story/progression or something.

p.s. add my wii no. + pm me for voucher trade ^_^.

<--- wii number is over there
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I'm pretty much at the final stage (won't say where that is, don't want to be a spoiler), but I'm gonna look for all 100 pickups first, to unlock the special ending! I have 86 or something, and it's pretty tiring to go look for them all. I've traded nearly all my vouchers, but I might have 5 or something...

Oh, and another thing, BUMPER STICKERS FTW! It's pretty awesome having a massive triforce thingy ma jigger on your ship...

And it's a good thing you don't need 100% scans this time round to get the special finish...
^If you're doing that to see the final ending, thats fine. I would just like to remind you that after you beat the game, you're save data is reset and put back at 0%. There is no way to get the rest of the pickups (or play the game under that same save data at all) after you've beaten the final boss. Therefore, the only things you will get for completing the game on 100% are the special ending and a screenshot showing your percentage and play time that is sent to your Wii Message Board.

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