Unofficial Metroid Prime 3 Thread

^I thought that might happen, so I'm gonna copy my game. Thanks for warning me though.
yeah, and the 100% ending isn't really that special.....but it IS however an extremely big acomplishment to finish a Metroid Prime game at 100%
^Would you mind describing the 100% ending via Spoiler? I had only gotten 70-something percent (pathetic, I know) and I hadn't even realized that I was fighting the final battle until the credits rolled. I can't be bothered to play through again so soon after beating it.

JT. said:
^I thought that might happen, so I'm gonna copy my game. Thanks for warning me though.
Hey, anytime. Glad I could help.
JT. said:
^I thought that might happen, so I'm gonna copy my game. Thanks for warning me though.

Here are a few caveats my friend...
>You can copy your game, but FRIEND VOUCHERS will NOT carry over. The game warns you of it.
>ALSO you cannot re-acquire lost friend vouchers in the NEW save file. For example if you get the voucher from the target drone on the Valhalla from the master file, you cannot get it again from the copied file. That was the first thing that I tried because I wanted to milk the game for vouchers to send to people.

I don't think there's any real benefit of copying files unless you complete with 100%.
As I thought...the dots at the file select screen only indicate the difficulties that you earned 100% on. Nothing too exciting happened.
Special ending wasn't that special, other than the very ending of the special ending (thats 3 endings in one sentence. Now make it 4).

Does anybody have any knowledge of
the ship shown at the end of the 100% ending? I've heard people say it's Sylux's ship, so what do you guys think it's leading to? Metroid Dread? Or a hunter style game for the Wii?
To me, it left more questions than answers.
I heard that it was Sylux's ship. I haven't played Hunters, but I know that he is a being that detests the Galactic Federation. Maybe the backstory will be explained in the next game. I speculate that he was watching Samus and the other hunters ever since the conclusion of Hunters all the way into Corruption. This will obviously lead to a sequel but it may be during or after the Prime story arc. It may lead to the multiplayer that some fans have been bitching about for so long, but I hope that it's a Wii sequel.
^The Metroid Prime series was a trilogy, and thus there will not be a direct sequel. There may be another Metroid game for Wii, but it will not share the 'Prime' name nor the same storyline.

Having said that, this 100% ending really confuses me. Why would they bring up more questions in a title that was supposed to resolve answers?
yeah, what does happen if you complete it with 100%.
tell me through pm someone please, and does anyone have any spear friend vouchers i have none left but i want some >.<
pm if ya have some spear thankoo
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Master Foot said:
As I thought...the dots at the file select screen only indicate the difficulties that you earned 100% on. Nothing too exciting happened.

I completed Normal at less than 100% (but greater than 75%), Veteran at 100% and Hyper at 100% (after getting killed by the final boss for like an entire week before finally beating it), but I have 3 black dots there. I'm not sure what it takes to get one, exactly, but my guess is that completing at 100% is not it.
pkstudios said:
I completed Normal at less than 100% (but greater than 75%), Veteran at 100% and Hyper at 100% (after getting killed by the final boss for like an entire week before finally beating it), but I have 3 black dots there. I'm not sure what it takes to get one, exactly, but my guess is that completing at 100% is not it.

I completed Veteran at 87% on the first playthrough and I still didn't get the dot. Maybe it's triggered by something else related to pickups. Anyway, it's not like it unlocks anything significant. I wish it did though.:sad:
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I'm taking a victory lap in normal mode now and stopping to smell the roses a little bit. It's nice being able to just maul everything so easily.
LevesqueIsKing said:
Having said that, this 100% ending really confuses me. Why would they bring up more questions in a title that was supposed to resolve answers?

because they want ppl to buy the next game so they can make more money. lol

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