Unlimited Wii Downloads !!!!!


WiiChat Member
Mar 26, 2009

To Anyone who is thinking about joining Unlimited Wii Downloads....DON'T....

I joined to find it would take 7 days to download a game...I requested a refund a MONTH ago they said they would be happy to refund my money BUT have NEVER done it...Now I tried to contact them again this week and the Help desk kept saying CLOSED,now the helpdesk is encrypted and you have to download software to contact them...I did so and STILL cannot contact them....I"M OUT $50...PLEASE don't fall prey to them...

Downloading Wii games is piracy, so this company has stolen your money while you were trying to steal from other companies. Kind of ironic.
wow. a company offering something for basically free. whowuddathunk it was a scam.
shoulda did a stop payment when you weren't getting what you wanted.

they take your money before they give you access.

plus, they are keeping their end of the deal. they never offered fast downloads. just unlimited.
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It wasn't something for nothing....Irony is NOT great...
I am glad it was only $50...Now I have $300 in purchase from store games....Jeez it doesn't take long to get some big bucks spent on wii...WOW..

When you read the testamonials,it sounded legit....

I just wanted other people to be aware of this place so you would not be out money...

Thanks to all of you for your replies and YES I learned my lesson....

When you read the testamonials,it sounded legit....

when the only reviews available are huge glowing perfect reviews. question it.

now i can offer you REAL download/free games.
paypal me $20 and ill get them to you.
they take your money before they give you access.

plus, they are keeping their end of the deal. they never offered fast downloads. just unlimited.

Yeah, usually most legitimate services off some sort of free trial period because they now their product is quality
,now the helpdesk is encrypted and you have to download software to contact them

Emphasis mine.

What do you think that software you downloaded and installed does? Here some possibilities:
- Collects information from your PC like credit cards numbers, email addresses, etc.
- Captures keystrokes anytime you purchase something online so it can get credit card numbers, CVV codes, paypal account information.
- installs S/W on your PC to forward spam and send email to your friends that says something like "Hey, download this!" So, you get to share.
- enrolls your PC in one of the botnets that allows it to participate in attacks on other systems.

So, you've most probably been had.

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