United States is Preparing To Attack Iran

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  • #46
this is what makes me the most sick. this is what the people who run this country are doing while people are dying. while they have our army fighting pointless bulls--t wars, this is what they do. this was from some dinner the other day. too bad it wasnt all poisoned.


they all deserve to die.(im allowed to say that)
dedpoet777 said:
this is what makes me the most sick. this is what the people who run this country are doing while people are dying. while they have our army fighting pointless bulls--t wars, this is what they do. this was from some dinner the other day. too bad it wasnt all poisoned.


they all deserve to die.(im allowed to say that)

This dinner is a dinner that they tell jokes and do goofy stuff they do it every year it just got more media attention because of Karl Roove (I think thats how you spell it) I do understand your anger but this dinner is meant to be a spoof or what ever I don't think they deserve to die you just vote them out of office when their term is up or vote for the other party
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I_Dont_Know859 said:
In America we believe every person has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The taliban depises this and says the only way they would stop attacking us is if our whole country gave into their islamic extremeist ways which would be giving up our freedom. They have attacked us to with the 1993 wtc bombing and 9/11 as well as others. As long as they keep trying to do this our freedom is certainly at stake. Those people that died or got wounded had their freedom taken away. They don't invade with an army with tanks and such because they an army of a country however they can be sponsored by one. The also have sleeper cells which can be really scary and we have uncovered a few already. The taliban know that cant directly win by warfare only and relie on media propaganda. The main goal of a terrorist is to create a climate of fear and tend to favor attacking unarmed innocents over military personel.

Couple of points, if I may

Osama bin Laden was trained,funded and supported by the US in Afghanistan when America wanted to defeat the Russians in that country. He is, by birth, a very rich Saudi. Most of the people who have been blamed for the World Trade Centre also travelled on Saudi passports.

Up until the US started dropping bombs, they were SUPPORTING the Taliban leaders in Afghanistan.

I fail to see any real connection between the Taliban and Saddam Hussain, not even religion, apart from they were both the elected leaders of their respective countries who dared to defy George Bush.

You talk about freedoms, but seem to be unaware of the provisions of your Patriot Act, which allows a government employee to lock you up without trial, access to a lawyer or any external contact for an indefinate period. Thats the act of an opressive regime.

I read a lot of posts on this (and other) forums where people bemoan their lack of education. Surely that would be money better spent? Educating your own citizens, rather than reducing the population elsewhere?

I'm no fan of the Taliban. I'd rather live where I do and pretend that I have freedoms. But, every year my government ( yes you Tony) legislates away my freedoms in the name of security. At least in Afghanistan you used to know it couldn't get any worse. Then Bush oredered the bombing....

Media propoganda - thats a thought. Have you tried turning that idea on its head? That it is the government that continually tells you, through news items, how dangerous everything is. You are obviously scared by this, and think it is acceptable to do things that otherwise you wouldn't. You have 'Jesus saves' as your sig implying a Christian beleif. I've looked, but I can't find the part in the bible that says 'blow the f**k out of the muslims with as many weapons that you can muster.
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  • #51
blogman54 said:
This dinner is a dinner that they tell jokes and do goofy stuff they do it every year it just got more media attention because of Karl Roove (I think thats how you spell it) I do understand your anger but this dinner is meant to be a spoof or what ever I don't think they deserve to die you just vote them out of office when their term is up or vote for the other party
oh is it? while they dine people are dying bro. while they laugh and tell jokes, people are dying dude. there are people who joined the armed forces to make something of themselves. maybe that was their only way out of whatever they grew up in. they just wanted a job, they didnt want to go fight wars based on propaganda and lies.

i bet if you, or those idiots at that dinner had lost someone to that war, i bet then they wouldnt feel like dancing around like apes and telling jokes would they? would you? i bet if more congressmen had children in the army(i think there are one or two) then it wouldnt be a laughing matter would it? would it be rap and joke time then? i doubt it.....

maybe if those people knew what it felt like to be told to go to war by absolute idiots, they wouldnt be in such a good mood. so having said that, while theyre so full of joy, they deserve worse than death for acting like that. anyone who laughs and acts dumb while people are dying under their command, needs to be tortured till they die. i think if you were out on the battlefield like some of my friends are, you might not be so lighthearted about a "dinner where they tell jokes"
dedpoet777 said:
oh is it? while they dine people are dying bro. while they laugh and tell jokes, people are dying dude. there are people who joined the armed forces to make something of themselves. maybe that was their only way out of whatever they grew up in. they just wanted a job, they didnt want to go fight wars based on propaganda and lies.

i bet if you, or those idiots at that dinner had lost someone to that war, i bet then they wouldnt feel like dancing around like apes and telling jokes would they? would you? i bet if more congressmen had children in the army(i think there are one or two) then it wouldnt be a laughing matter would it? would it be rap and joke time then? i doubt it.....

maybe if those people knew what it felt like to be told to go to war by absolute idiots, they wouldnt be in such a good mood. so having said that, while theyre so full of joy, they deserve worse than death for acting like that. anyone who laughs and acts dumb while people are dying under their command, needs to be tortured till they die. i think if you were out on the battlefield like some of my friends are, you might not be so lighthearted about a "dinner where they tell jokes"

My cousin is over In IRAQ they wouldnt take me I would LOVE TO GO to go kick some Arab butt I defend America at all cost if that means my life I will give it just so you can keep running your mouth and not be punished for it :yesnod:
dedpoet777 said:
i dont know dude. but i remember a while back, like 6 months ago, iran said if we attacked them they had 40,000 suicide bombers ready to go into any u.s city and obviously cause some booms.

that is the type of statement psychos only make once. THAT is what scares me the most. 40,000 is enough to cover every major city in our country. wed be screwed.
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i am really scared!!!!!:sick: i am going to go hide in australia (only place away from usa and iraq and iran)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!omg omg !
nuke em nuke em nuke em nuke em nuke em nuke emnuke em nuke em nuke emnuke em nuke em nuke emnuke em nuke em nuke emnuke em nuke em nuke emnuke em nuke em nuke emnuke em nuke em nuke em...yea i hope thay get nuked....i bet you couldnt telll
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  • #55
blogman54 said:
My cousin is over In IRAQ they wouldnt take me I would LOVE TO GO to go kick some Arab butt I defend America at all cost if that means my life I will give it just so you can keep running your mouth and not be punished for it :yesnod:
funny how you act like i should be punished for running my mouth, yet the administration who has thousands dead under their whim everyday in a war based on a lie that they have admitted shouldnt be punished. that is the kind of logic that runs this country isnt it?

funny how people(like you) can be lied to, told they were lied to, then still support the lie and the idiocy behind it. you say are defending ourselves from arabs. are we? last time i checked every arab, including iraq and iran, was not at fault for 9/11. it was a small group of them. that is like acting like every american is in a gang.

furthermore, as far as 911 goes, which this is all based off of, it happened because of a lax or failure of american intel. if people would have listened to warnings that it was going to happen, we could have stopped it right? isnt that our job as you said to protect ourselves? i, and a lot of others, think they LET it happen, just so people would support their madness that has ensued ever since. funny how almost right after we decided to attack iraq based on a lie isnt it? sounds to me like it was a door for them to do what they want, however im sure you dont see that. so because of our failure of intel, we then go kill people who had nothing to do with it. isnt that just lovely....

i can tell just by two responses from you, that you are probably a christian and obviously a bush supporter, but i could be wrong. nonetheless, no matter what you support, if you cant see the madness in all of this, then clearly you dont see the forest for the trees per se. you should be glad they did not accept you to fight. maybe once you wise up, you will look back and be glad you didnt risk your life for a lie and to protect something we never lost. there are americans that are terrorists. terrorism will always exist inside and outside of this country. no war, no matter how big will ever stop it. in fact, the kind of idiocy we have pulled will surely cause more of it.

they attacked us because they want us out of israel. theyre pissed because we support the jews and protect the jews and not them. we have no business in the middle east period, jews or not. we take oil from them but wont help them in wars. yet we help the jews only because they run wallstreet and because of their beliefs. that is two sided garbage. all they want is for us to treat them equally. so it is our governments fault that they attacked us. they should have never pulled it off with all the intel we had on it.

im sure i typed all this for nothing. some people never see the truth even if it is huge, in front of their face, 600 feet tall, with neon lights......
dude that is so true or troops are getting their f*cking heads blown offf and were doing the dam* bullsh*t
blogman54 said:
We have allot more freedom than we would if we were ruled by saddam, bin laden, Hitler, North Korea, Cuba the list goes on we do have freedom you can say what ever you want and no one can censor you thats freedom of speech I think they do censor allot of stuff on TV and Radio and that sucks :wtf:

Go out and start going on a cuss fest. Then we'll see non-censorship.
captainff said:
Couple of points, if I may

Osama bin Laden was trained,funded and supported by the US in Afghanistan when America wanted to defeat the Russians in that country. He is, by birth, a very rich Saudi. Most of the people who have been blamed for the World Trade Centre also travelled on Saudi passports.

Up until the US started dropping bombs, they were SUPPORTING the Taliban leaders in Afghanistan.
hey if your going to bring this up you have to tell the whole story. a lot of you seem to never do that. Yes the US, Saudi Rabia, and Pakistan supported Bin Laden during the war with Russia but that was before Al Queda was even created. It was created after the victory over the Russians. Victory for all of us and end of financing bin laden. He then creates the terrorist group Al Queda and declared war on the US. Sorry but if the US govt had psychic powers we never would have done it in the first place. He is indeed a very rich Saudi, i heard his family has disowned him. I love the way people like you say we were supporting them without giving all the facts.

captainff said:
I fail to see any real connection between the Taliban and Saddam Hussain, not even religion, apart from they were both the elected leaders of their respective countries who dared to defy George Bush.

Well thats funny because i did but i dont see the point of arguing over this because we may never know now. I would hardly call Iraq a respective country while under Saddams rule.

captainff said:
You talk about freedoms, but seem to be unaware of the provisions of your Patriot Act, which allows a government employee to lock you up without trial, access to a lawyer or any external contact for an indefinate period. Thats the act of an opressive regime.

I am very aware of the Patriot Act and it is only during times of war wear it is necessary to give up some of your freedoms in exchange for better securtiy. Do you not realize that the are sleeping cells all over the US that have been detected thanks to the Patriot Act. I agree that they have messed up also but it has done more good than harm. The cells are a very dangerous weapon to attack the US unexpectedly within.

captainff said:
I read a lot of posts on this (and other) forums where people bemoan their lack of education. Surely that would be money better spent? Educating your own citizens, rather than reducing the population elsewhere?

Actually both would be necessary. It also depends on the citizens willingness to learn.

captainff said:
I'm no fan of the Taliban. I'd rather live where I do and pretend that I have freedoms. But, every year my government ( yes you Tony) legislates away my freedoms in the name of security. At least in Afghanistan you used to know it couldn't get any worse. Then Bush oredered the bombing....

Pretend to have freedoms? Even with the Patriot Act being temporary active, you still have many freedoms that the majority of countries can't even compete with. Many people in the US take their freedoms for granted. Like I said, at times of war its necessary to give up some freedom for security, you can whine about it all day i could care less, i'm perfectly fine with it.

captainff said:
Media propoganda - thats a thought. Have you tried turning that idea on its head? That it is the government that continually tells you, through news items, how dangerous everything is.

No, I can pretty much tell how dangerous everything is when the enemy strikes us. A terrorists main goal is to create a climate of fear so its to be expected.

captainff said:
You are obviously scared by this, and think it is acceptable to do things that otherwise you wouldn't. You have 'Jesus saves' as your sig implying a Christian beleif. I've looked, but I can't find the part in the bible that says 'blow the f**k out of the muslims with as many weapons that you can muster.

well read the good book again, you will learn something new every time i guarantee. A Christian pacifism, a wonderful concept but unfortunately will never happen until armageddon is over.

In Romans 12:18-21 the New Testament commands us to live peaceably with all people and not to seek vengeance from those who do us wrong. This includes violence or even office gossip. God is supposed to handle all revenge on judgment day, stated in Romans 12:19.
However Paul told Christians not to seek revenge, but also that to give the state the power to "carry the sword" against evildoers, Romans 13:4. An interested not i would also like to add is that Jesus never commanded those in the military - even though these soldiers were serving a pagan Roman Empire - to walk away from such service, though he was quite willing to cmmand prostitutes to abandon their unseemingly employments.

Pacifism is problematic because it is utopian. The Bible does tell us the ways of peace and that the ultimate vision of peace is that of of a restored creation in which there is no more war, Isa 2:4. The Bible also says that this shalom comes when all Jesus' enemies are subdued but tells us that this day is not yet here, Heb 2:8. Also take note that Rev. 12 mentions Jessus triumphing over the occupying forces through a violent invasion. Matt 10:34 says Jesus said he didn't come to bring peace but a sword. In the meantime, govt mus some times, though only carefully and as a last resort, go to war in order to protect the innocent and to restrain evil. Pacifists are right to tell us that war is always tragic and that we should work for peace. They are wrong to think that such peace can come by avoiding conflict. Passivity in the face of Hitler meant a slaugherfest in Europe and other parts of the world.

Militarism, the people who are always saying nuke 'em fall in this category, is also a utopian at its core. I'm sure we will agree military action is sometimes necessary and also a tradegy. Christians feel this way to, even if it comes out with the best outcome. Christains also recognize that a concept of "perpetual war for perpetual peace" is an illusion. Jesus rebuked Peter for believing the answer to Jesus' arrest was the declaration of a violent counter-action, Matt. 26:52. There will be a "war to end all wars," but it will be fought at Armageddon, not planned by the Pentagon.

Even for christians, the questions of war and peace are never easy. This is why Christians like me avoid both pacifism and militarism. We believe in the concept of a "just war" which means killing is never good but is sometimes best. This concept limits such action to duly constitued govts and strictly contains the bounds of such warfare. The intentional killing of innocent non-combatants is, for instance, wrong and outside the parameters of just war like the Taliban is doing. In fact they even use women and children as human shields making it difficult for troops, not just US, to fight in normal warfare. Collateral damage most also be taken into account, but kept to a minimum as much as possible.

There are times when the alternative to war is clearly more bloodshed, more violence. Think about what would have happened around the world if the US had taken no action after 9/11. These are complicated times and Christians may disagree about whether military action is biblically warranted, even as we remember to pray for our leaders to make wise decisions.

War is sometimes necessary, and Christians should be willing to support, fight, and die for our country in those times. We just shouldn't pretend a U.N. enforced peace can end bloodshed and neither should we cheer the violence of war as if it were a video game

I posted this not for a religious debate but to reply to captains statement about a christains standpoint of war. Please dont turn this thread into a religious debate because there are plenty of other threads for that in the louge already. Thanks.
dedpoet777 said:
funny how you act like i should be punished for running my mouth, yet the administration who has thousands dead under their whim everyday in a war based on a lie that they have admitted shouldnt be punished. that is the kind of logic that runs this country isnt it?

do you have any facts to prove its based on a lie because thats a pretty serious claim to make without proper evidence. not trying to insult you, just if you have any evidence i would be interested in looking at it. Other than that feel free to use your freedom of speech and type the b/s you want.

dedpoet777 said:
funny how people(like you) can be lied to, told they were lied to, then still support the lie and the idiocy behind it. you say are defending ourselves from arabs. are we? last time i checked every arab, including iraq and iran, was not at fault for 9/11. it was a small group of them. that is like acting like every american is in a gang.

We are not fighting an army of a country but an organzation. This organization (the main target) are supported by terrorst sponsoring-states *cough iran cough*. We do you suppose we do? Not do anything after 9/11 and let the organzation wait safetly in their terrorist sponsoring states. I serriouly doubt Iran would think twice about turning them over to us. The even publically announced they're supporting them.

dedpoet777 said:
furthermore, as far as 911 goes, which this is all based off of, it happened because of a lax or failure of american intel. if people would have listened to warnings that it was going to happen, we could have stopped it right? isnt that our job as you said to protect ourselves? i, and a lot of others, think they LET it happen, just so people would support their madness that has ensued ever since. funny how almost right after we decided to attack iraq based on a lie isnt it? sounds to me like it was a door for them to do what they want, however im sure you dont see that. so because of our failure of intel, we then go kill people who had nothing to do with it. isnt that just lovely....

If you really think that...wow....just wow. That of course is all opinion so believe that if you want but thats just b/s to me, just another crazy liberal conspiracy theroy.

dedpoet777 said:
i can tell just by two responses from you, that you are probably a christian and obviously a bush supporter, but i could be wrong. nonetheless, no matter what you support, if you cant see the madness in all of this, then clearly you dont see the forest for the trees per se. you should be glad they did not accept you to fight.

I agree there is madness, just like in every war.

dedpoet777 said:
maybe once you wise up, you will look back and be glad you didnt risk your life for a lie and to protect something we never lost.

Why because the Taliban started a war with us and he's not afraid to risk his own life not for the the corrupt govt but our freedoms, securities, friends, family and american homeland. It's one thing to be anti-bush and not believe in this war but that would you said is an insult not to Bush, but the men and women in the military roughing it up and living in a constant state of fear wondering if this is the day some suicide bomber will blow me up or some sniper will get lucky and blow my brains out while your still here using ur freedom of speech to insult them. Thats disgusting. I'm proud to say in a year after i get my bachelors degree i'm joining the military myself to do my time serving my country that i'm proud of. Your wrong to say something we never lost because about 3,000 innocent americans going about their daily lives lost something on 9/11. Please tell me you won't deny that.

dedpoet777 said:
there are americans that are terrorists. terrorism will always exist inside and outside of this country.

yeah its called domestic terrorism. the patriot act, FBI, Secret Service, etc work to deal with them. Terrorsit (some belonging to al queada) cells are a problem and have been uncovered and destroyed. Not telling how many are really out there.

dedpoet777 said:
no war, no matter how big will ever stop it. in fact, the kind of idiocy we have pulled will surely cause more of it.

I agree it will never stop. But i dont believe in doing nothing and just receiving blow after blow. I believe in doing what we can to fight it and just leaving it alone is pure idiocy because like you said is just isn't going to go away.

dedpoet777 said:
they attacked us because they want us out of israel. theyre pissed because we support the jews and protect the jews and not them. we have no business in the middle east period, jews or not. we take oil from them but wont help them in wars. yet we help the jews only because they run wallstreet and because of their beliefs. that is two sided garbage. all they want is for us to treat them equally. so it is our governments fault that they attacked us. they should have never pulled it off with all the intel we had on it.

Al Queda attacked us after we beat the russians with Bin Laden, who said they were the weakest link, then he turned his attention to the US because he sees the Amercian culture and freedoms as a threat and has even claimed that if we accept his islamic extremeists culture Al Queda would end its war with us, but thats never going to happen. its not just the govt fault that attacked us, they are a part of it however, its our amer culture and diversity that they depise according to Bin Laden himself. But you said above there was a failure in intel??? Yes, the Jews, because they run wallstreet...of course...and there beliefs, we know how much the govt values that.

dedpoet777 said:
im sure i typed all this for nothing. some people never see the truth even if it is huge, in front of their face, 600 feet tall, with neon lights......

Yeah some people really never see the truth...even if it is huge, in front of their face, 600 feet tall, with neon lights...
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