unable to register friend code


WiiChat Member
Dec 19, 2006
well i went to get my friend code and there was an option to register so i assumed i had to register friend code? well it had enough spaces for friend code put it in.. and it wouldnt let me.. is there soemthing else i need to register here?
what do you mean by it wouldn't let you, be more specific and we'll do our best to help :)
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ahh yeah im not sure of exact words but it said something along the lines "were not able to register that wii number" when i get off work tonight i will get the exact words and a pic if possible.
my wii number cant register

i go onto the wii message board, then onto the place where you have an option to register "wii" or other users, when i click on "wii" and enter my number correctly it says "wii number cannot be registered", please help. Please email me at tommy_crabby@hotmail.co.uk
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You need to enter your 16 digit friend code in the space provided and then click ok. If it says Wii number cannot be registered, then you may have entered the wrong code. Thats the only thing that I can think of.
u register other peoples wii's when u register, not ur own. THe other option is for email, cell phone, and other stuff. If you register a wii then its someone elses friend code not urs.