Unable to Connect Wii to Belkin Wireless router

Try This


I have had the same problem but seem to have sorted it out.

Go into the Wii options menu, then settings, then Internet. Click on MAC address and copy the number/letters down without the hyphens.

Then go into your wireless router setup where you can change stuff. Its the same place you do the encryption/no encryption. Click on MAC Address Filtering and there you can add your Wii Console MAC number there, click on add and put the number in then save changes.

You can still set up encryption too, by using the Wii connections menu, then security, type (usually WPA-PSK), then save (it will ask you for the encryption passcode). You will have to set the encryption up on the router first from the security tab in the setup router menu.

It is best to be encrypted, I have just found out my neighbours have been using my connection for the last 8 months!!

I hope this works for you.

I had the same problems linking my Wii to a Belkin router. By disabling wireless encryption on the router, the Wii worked fine. As soon as I enabled WEP on the router - error message on the Wii. Trial & error worked in the end (nintendo support are no help at all). By entering the actual HEX codes (13 pairs for 128bit WEP) without any spaces, into the Wii password box rather than the passcode 'word', the Wii connected to the router fine. I hope this helps someone out.

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