UK Pokemon not to have Friend Codes

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WiiChat Member
Mar 27, 2007
Just found this out if its true that would be pretty cool l

Word round the internet is that the UK Release of Pokemon Battle Revolution will not have Friend Codes unlike its USA/Japan Counterpart.

The News comes from the Ngamer magazine.

Thank god for some sense from Nintendo.

Heres the quote from the Ngamer Magazine:

Pokemon Battle Revolution, which is already online-enabled in Japan, will be the first English networked game when the translation is released in the summer, and without requiring the separate, game-specific friend codes that dogged the Japanese version
Well thats..kinda odd.

Hope it carries on like that and the UK ends up without friend codes :p

We deserve it for having to wait so long for everything after all..
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forum police

Well that was my first and last post on this site why do people get so bloody moody about others putting stuff on this forum so what if it has been posted befor i did a search and guess what nothing came up so get over it.
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