No Friend Codes in the UK and US?!


WiiChat Member
Dec 3, 2006
Wii Online Code
...yes, you read correctly. A magazine in the UK claims that the English version of Pokemon BR will be free of game-specific friend codes.

I hate being a part of the rumor mill, but I think this is worth posting merely for the fact that is in print and not an anonymous internet quote.

This "unknown" magazine is supposedly NGAMER magazine from the UK. If anyone from across the pond would like to confirm this, it is in the March edition.

a) The magazine knows something we don't know.
b) They misinterpreted a statement made by a Nintendo Rep.
c) Wishful thinking
d) Just adding to the hype/controversy

However, it has been made known that SquareEnix and other developers are at talks with Nintendo about their online policies, specifically friend codes.

There is also talks about removing friend codes from M rated games, which makes very good sense.

PS-If it's old news, don't tell me to search (I should make this my sig) :)
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I salute you for your good grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
That is very interesting and exciting, and I really hope it's true. I wonder how they'll pull it off...
looks like this story is quite popular. however, read the edit at the end.....

Just found this on the IGN forum. They are scans from the recent issue of NGamer magazine. I'm not going to believe it just yet but they must have got the information somewhere... mustn't they?



Looks like I was right not to get my hopes up...

EDIT The scans are real, but the story is not. Here is the magazine´s reply:

Unfortunately, the curse of the magazine lead time has struck again. Since we wrote this piece -- with the understanding that our information was correct -- Nintendo has seemingly confirmed that Pokemon Battle Revolution *will* use game-specific Friend Codes.

Sorry for any confusion. The original IGN poster put quote marks around words we never actually used, which is why we weren't too sure what he was referring to at first.
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Leave it to the British to screw up. I thought that was our job. :hand: (I'm kidding of course)

This is precisely why I hate posting this kind of thing. From now on my motto is "Trust no one...but nintendo!"

However, I think the rumor that Nintendo might not require game-specific friend codes for M rated games is as important and a step in the right direction. It just makes too much rational sense, which may ultimately be it's downfall.

PS- thanks for the comment "the wii owns..." I do write good...:arf:

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