[UK Members] Nintendo VIP Member? Get free VC games!

I doubt it'll be 1:1 points:stars becasue you get 5 points for everyday you log into the nintendo website, so all you need to do is set up a bot to log you in everyday and you can get 3 nes or 1 n64 + 1 snes game a year absolutely free!!!!
I take your point, but why not 1:1? Nintendo aren't losing anything by offering VC games, any cash they make is extra to what they made when the games were released 10 or so years ago, so why not pass on a great deal to loyal customers/surfers.

We shall see what we shall see.
Actually 1:1 that would be a free nes game for every 2 wii games, which as a nes game is ~ 5% of the value of 2 wii games could be about right, maybe the points for logging in are a bit high but the points for buying everything else and a 1:1 ratio are ok. But I would be very happy if it was 1:1 and you stil got 5 points for logging in.
StepOnfrog said:
I'm a UK user, and I can't do anything with my stars yet (as in exchange for points)... I have a few clicky buttons on my Nint-Euro account that says 'Details'. When I click the clicky button I'm redirected to a text page that says something about I'll be able to do something about my stars eventually...

Any ideas when?

Why you lucky UKer's. Wonder why they won't do this for us US customers. :(
I wouldnt expect them any time soon. NOE are terrible in all aspects as far as I can tell.

Saying that I am impressed that they are actually giving Europeans something a bit good. Usually we just about get a new system and less games than anywhere else normally :(.
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They arent available yet.

But I imagine there will be set amounts of points you can buy on the stars catalogue. You use your stars to buy wii points. Which as your system is linked to your NOE account will automatically cross over then you can go and buy whatever you want on the wii shop.

Im expecting the exchange rate to be around 3 stars to 1 wii point.
on about a 3:1 ratio I would get nearly 2000 points...which is nice...saves me £13.99 (WHSmith is selling the card at that price.)

I am waiting till I can get free points before buying any...not really got any games I REALLY want to play.
Wii Maniac 101 said:
how do u connect the wii 24:7 to your wii and wii shop cannel ?

The first time you go on the shop channel you can do it. If you didnt I seem to recall there is a link in the shop channel somewhere that lets you do it, as I had to do it that way as initially my details just kept getting rejected.

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