[UK Members] Nintendo VIP Member? Get free VC games!

Any update on when the Stars to Points conversion kicks in? Or, have I drastically missed something? :tard: :yikes:

I've somehow lost a few VIP cards from the games I bought.. bugger! Only got 2'700 Stars, should have at least another 2'000...!

<Searches round the house for bits of card with funny odd numbers on>
<Swears incoherently>
It'll not be a 1:1 ratio, I bet. Kingdom Hearts (GBA) cost me 4000 points last year, so 4000 points=£30. Game are selling 2000 Wii points cards for £15 each.

Hang on. That is a 1:1 ratio, isn't it?:idea:
table-top joe said:
It'll not be a 1:1 ratio, I bet. Kingdom Hearts (GBA) cost me 4000 points last year, so 4000 points=£30. Game are selling 2000 Wii points cards for £15 each.

Hang on. That is a 1:1 ratio, isn't it?:idea:

Dunno. I hate fractions :drool: :tard:

But, Woolworths are selling the 2000 Points card for £13.99. And, isn't it a bit stupid getting a massive sized DVD case with a paper circle, a useless booklet, and a very small (in comparison to the box that surrounds it) credit card sized piece of paper with your Points code on it? Surely, if Nint stop selling a credit card sized piece of paper in a huge DVD sized box, then the thing would cost less than £13.99?


Whoopy Doo! I got a white DVD box that'll never get used due to it's plain uglyness.!
StepOnfrog said:
But, Woolworths are selling the 2000 Points card for £13.99. And, isn't it a bit stupid getting a massive sized DVD case with a paper circle, a useless booklet, and a very small (in comparison to the box that surrounds it) credit card sized piece of paper with your Points code on it? Surely, if Nint stop selling a credit card sized piece of paper in a huge DVD sized box, then the thing would cost less than £13.99?


Whoopy Doo! I got a white DVD box that'll never get used due to it's plain uglyness.!

Well... maybe, if some homebrew comes out for the Wii that you download and burn to disc, once someone gets around the barcode mystery, then you could make your own boxart and then you've got a matching case for it to stick in your DVD stand with your games. I know i would :yesnod:
Right I've just spent half an hour going through all my cube games and retreiving the codes. Got about 3000 star points now:)

Anyone know when this is gonna come into action?
From the official site

Nintendo will also be rewarding its loyal customers by adding Wii Points to the Stars Catalogue available at www.nintendo-europe.com. When gamers purchase any Nintendo product they will receive Stars which can then be redeemed against items including Wii Points on the site. What’s more, Wii owners can synchronise their Nintendo-Europe.com account with their Wii Shop Channel one to earn Stars points on all Virtual Console downloads.
Apperently on the Japanees version of the Nintendo VIP they give you a wii code which you add then send your mii too.. they then print off the face of your mii and make it into a sticker which goes on your wiimote. Hope we get this. Tis a good way of telling the wiimotes apart, esp if like you have one yourself and a bro/sis also has one.
table-top joe said:
From the official site
Nintendo will also be rewarding its loyal customers by adding Wii Points to the Stars Catalogue available at www.nintendo-europe.com. When gamers purchase any Nintendo product they will receive Stars which can then be redeemed against items including Wii Points on the site. What’s more, Wii owners can synchronise their Nintendo-Europe.com account with their Wii Shop Channel one to earn Stars points on all Virtual Console downloads.

I'm a UK user, and I can't do anything with my stars yet (as in exchange for points)... I have a few clicky buttons on my Nint-Euro account that says 'Details'. When I click the clicky button I'm redirected to a text page that says something about I'll be able to do something about my stars eventually...

Any ideas when?


It's just dangling a carrot infront of our noses is this.!

I was just checking the VIP club thing again - I read the same kotaku article a few months ago - and now that I have my wii I want my points.

it shows I have downloaded the internet channel. - with a details button instead of a point value.

clicking details gives this message "Thank you for downloading
'Internet Channel'

You will soon be able to claim your stars here."

Oh and someone mentioned it costing 13.99 in woolworths...just checking wikipedia article - that is the right price since 2000 = €20 ~ £14.99 (RRP UK - don't pay more.)

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