Twilight Princess to have 9 dungeons, 70 hours of gameplay!

MetroidZ said:
i heard the game would be 100hrs long. i guess it comes down to the way u play. but daaammm 5hrs+ for every dungeon is just mad. :crazy: a good mad!

yeah..:D i wonder how long it will take to make a speedrun of twilight princess:tard: i bet they will only make speedrun of single dungeons:p
zeldaicflame said:
that is a lot i wonder whether they would have the zora's and goron's like in oot?

Gorons are definantly in. I've seen a movie of twilight princess with them in. havn't seen the zora's but i wouldnt be surprised.
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- The game is 70 hours, including all sidequests according to Eiji Aonuma
- The Wii version has unique controls
- Link is a Righty in the Wii version
- Link is Lefty in the GCN version
- The game has at least as many "temples" as Ocarina of Time (which was 9)
- It will release for Wii on December 8th, 2006 (Germany)
- The GameCube version will be released after Wii version, but still in 2006(Germany)
- They compare the sword of the Darknut to Phantom Ganon's sword in The Wind Waker
- Reconfirms the title is after Ocarina of Time chronologically
- There's an image which the magazine believes the "light spiral" near the waterfall is a portal to transform into the Wolf.
- Wolf Link can gain abilities as he progresses
- Eiji calls the King of Red Lions in TWW a father figure to Link who kept him on the right track. TP won't have a father figure, but Link will have many friends in the game. There will be one grown-up girl that will be very helpful for him.
- No wii-connect24 or online support.
- The horse is faster than epona in OoT
- The GameCube version was nearly completed when they decided to put in the Wii controls.
- The transition from gc to wii control scheme was quite difficult and they changed it again recently. Now they can concentrate on fine tuning the game.
- When link becomes a wolf his scent becomes keener so that he can find hidden things that he coulnd't find as normal link.
- Eiji vaguely hints that the Twilight Princess will be someone different from Zelda.
- The mention of Biggoron refers to Biggoron's Sword only, which is similar in size to the Darknut's sword.
- Link will have the horse at the beginning, but then when some accidents take place, the two are separated. Later on, Link will find the horse again, and that is when he can name it (at least that's what the sentence structure implies, but it may be a mistake and we can still name her right at the beginning).
- While the light deity is strangely called a "bull" by the mag, there's no reference being made to the Toaru goats or anything like that.
- About Midna, Eiji says she won't be able to stop the Twilight Realm's progression on her own, so that's why Link is responsible to help her.
- About Phantom Hourglass, Eiji says something disturbing: "PH is often called a sequel of TWW - that's not fully correct, as it merely makes use of the same graphics style."
He also states that they didn't include any storyline-wise connection between TP and PH, because the games are so different.
- The canoe will be used in other mini-games besides fishing.

Thanks to Stefan for clearing some stuff up.


- "Our goal was obviousely to implement as many dungeons as possible in Twilight Princess. As for a number, we are planing to have the same number as in Ocarina of Time." (So it isn't 100% sure if there will be 9 dungeons or less/more)
- But he also mentions that some of them are totally different to those of Ocarina of Time whereas others may be similar. He also thinks that a lot of things will be familiar to someone who already played Ocarina of Time.

Thanks to Hylia, once again.
Well, this is great news.

But it's a downgrade from the 100 hours of gameplay I heard a month ago..
MetroidZ said:
probably 100hrs for unexperienced players.
Or people who are going to take there time and enjoy every little detail of it
Nintendo promised it would be bigger and better than OoT. I for one loved every aspect of OoT even though it didnt take forever and a day to beat. Pray for Nintendo as they attempt to take on the biggest devoted crowd of gamers to exceed the UBER HIGH standard OoT set with TP. Pray that 5 hours to complete a single dungeon (my GOD there better be a LOT of save points) would keep us interested in the game enough to actually finish with tears of joy instead of future plans for assassination. WTF it's NINTENDO! (Tri)Force be wit u - stay tru to da gam'az!

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