twilight princess bosses, far too easy?

You and everybody else. The one huge problem for me was that they just didnt try and attack you enough. The bosses are these huge beasts and they don't even attack a ton. For instance the third boss. HIs second form he just moves in a circle and doesnt even try to hit you. You'd think they would add a laser beam technique or something.
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i agree with you both , but i guess the only boss i thought was kind of challenging was the last battle against gannondorf.
Nah, All easy. I've seen harder Rich Tea Biscuits after 16 dips into a cup of tea. And thats not very hard...

Yeah I've never noticed that before but it's true that some bosses just don't attack. The spider one doesn't really. However some do, such as the Ice one. I thought Ganon btw was one of the easier bosses. I'm playing OOT again now its on the VC and, TBH, thoses bosses are not as hard either as I remember them.
Joshieca said: if they were too hard would you complain about that too? Isn't there a level of difficulty you can set on this game, can't remember??

No there is no setting for difficulty. People probably would complain if the bosses were too hard lol but them not even attacking you is a bit silly. The bosses were great in this game, but could have been a bit harder. Awesome game though, it really is.
Joshieca said: if they were too hard would you complain about that too? Isn't there a level of difficulty you can set on this game, can't remember??
You could sort of set one on your second trip thru the game. Try beating it with only 3 hearts.
the only boss i thought was a little bit hard was the dragon, but then i realized i still had the Zora Armor on, so i took it off and i realized it was hella easy too. ganondorf was a little hard until i figured out the chance thing.
The whole game was easy. and it couldve been longer. but i still think it was the best one yet.

Zelda bosses, like all Zelda enemies, are always pathetically easy. I hate it. At least the puzzles are hard.

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