Turning off thread auto-subscription

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WiiChat Member
Nov 30, 2006
Wii Online Code
Would it be possible to change the default subscription option to Do Not Subscribe? It's a little annoying getting emails for every reply in a thread that you forgot to unsubscribe from.

Or, if there's an option to change the default for just my profile, that would be great. I looked around for a while, but I couldn't find an option that would do it.
Click on Profile up top and then go to Edit Options and then under Default Thread Subscription Mode, in the drop down menu, select "Do Not Subscribe"
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Mitch2025 said:
Click on Profile up top and then go to Edit Options and then under Default Thread Subscription Mode, in the drop down menu, select "Do Not Subscribe"

Bizarre, I would have sworn my on my very life that that option wasn't there twenty minutes ago. Well, thanks.
ocdan said:
i too have done this and am still getting like 30 emails a day
first go and unsubscribe from all your subscribed threads and then try turning it off. if that doesnt help then contact i0n about it
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