trying to enjoy strikers (online)


Wii Fanatic
Dec 31, 2006
Wii Online Code
The main reason i bought this game was to play online ,but as most experince its almost impossible to enjoy a good online match. The matches i'm in constantly consist of cheap moves ,and lag. There was times when it lag so bad it would go into slow-mo during the goalie block part of the megastrike where no matter how many times i hit the A button it wouldn't block'em not to mention it took forever for the balls to appear. Then everytime i line up for a shoot the ball gets stolen by the guy smacking me from behind everytime. I understand this is all part of the game ,but its annoying. Shouldn't it be matching people up by skill level so its enjoyable. I mean i want to enjoy the game ,and learn to get better ,but its kind of hard when i barely even get a chance to even try to improve.

Is there anyone else as annoyed as i am that would want to exchange codes to play a fair match that we can enjoy the game ,and learn to become better strikers.

my code is 274985 116323
Try to block the firewall if ur using wireless
I know how its hard,annoying and unfun if its laggy i hope it works:smilewinkgrin:
And what do you mean with cheapshots?

If its the dodge from drybrones or toad or the skillshots than you should not have bought this game. Want to enjoy a realistic football match? Buy FIFA
its part of the game buddy, dont hate cuz u urself prob. cant do it....hey i wont lie i got my behind handed to me the first few times i played online, but u learn from it and get better.
i still get my behind handed to me, but in the past couple series' i scored a goal or two...per series. so i guess i'm getting better. haha. i just do it to kill time really, so win or lose the same thing happens in the end for me, i killed some time after work and before the bar.

Skippy said:
Play through the single player matches as practice.

yeah i did some of that and some of the tuturials but that got boring to me, i'd rather get my a$$ kicked online than play that game on single player all day. plus at first it's really easy single player, cross the midfield line, and megastrike, rinse and repeat till the games over if you're just trying to win. it is helpful though to practice skill shots though.

There are no "cheap" moves in the game. All were designed by the developer.

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