Trying to clarify something for Wi-Fi


Chaka Chaka Pata Pon!
Aug 4, 2007
Somewhere... over the rainbow... (actually, New Je
Wii Online Code
So, if you add each other, but find that the friend's name is still "Awaiting Registraton", is it because both friends haven't been online at the same time yet?

If so, just as a message to everyone (including those who added me), re-add anyone who you deleted because they were still "Awaiting Registration".
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Please explain the 10 other people in my list who PM'ed me that they added me, who are "Awaiting Registration".

Only my friend is either Offline or Online. I figured the topic post because I called him to go online at the same time... and viola (with accent over a... I'm surprised nobody know how to spell it)! His name appeared with "Online".
You might have to be online at the same time. It make sense. When you add a code, it might ask the other wii if it has added your code. If the other wii isn't on, it can't ask. I'm just gonna leave brawl on for a few hours. Maybe the 20 awaiting people will finallly be added
The name doesn't matter. It's only there to remind you who it is that you're adding. After the other person adds you, it gives you their name anyways.

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