Tripping...? o.o

Tripping is pretty much random, you don't need a banana peel. I think it's put in to "balance" out the game a little. A lot of the veteran aren't happy x3 It doesn't bother me too much, sure sometime when you trip it sucks but recovering back fast is perhaps a new skill we need to built on ; )
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VidyaVince said:
I'm almost certain it was put in to counter 'wavedashing' and other exploits that were in Melee.
Well, Nintendo got rid of wavedashing by making Shield in the air (air dodge) move the direction you're going... and wavedashing needed control of the air dodge.

Other exploits...? I figured edguarding (NOT an exploit but still kinda cheap. But it's still here, guys) and wavedashing (proven above) were the only 2 major ones...

I heard L-Canceling is gone but shorthopping is still there, which is fair enough because thats not really a "technique" (read:glitch) like the rest of them...its more of one of those obvious things you can do.

The less "techniques" (read:glitches) in this game that are aloud the better in my opinion anyway.